protein skimmer


Hi everyone,
I was wondering is it bad to have the protein skimmer not going for a couple
of days. I'm afraid to mess with it as my fish guy is coming Sunday to
do maintanence. Is it okay to leave it for a couple of days? Thnaks
The water and everything else is fine btw


Thanks for the reply. I'm a little neurotic since with the other maintenence
guy I had such bad luck but now it is perfect. This guy is very good and he
told me too not to worry. I wish I was more able to do it myself but I will
start learning more now that everything is stable. This site has been really
interesting. What kind of tank do you have? Mine is 75 gallons.
Take care


I have a 125 gallon but it's got african cichlids. I had almost thought
about doing a reef tank with it instead but I'm sort of attached to the cichlids
as I've had them for a few years now. I also have two other freshwater
55 with two severums(huge) and a forty five with six severum babies.


Just curious how long a saltwater tank can go without the skimmer.
I'm going to have my fish guy show me how to fix it for next time
so I'll know. Can you explain exactly the function of the skimmer?


Active Member
Originally Posted by OceanBreez
Just curious how long a saltwater tank can go without the skimmer.
I'm going to have my fish guy show me how to fix it for next time
so I'll know. Can you explain exactly the function of the skimmer?
if your asking what a protein skimmer does, it removes waste products from you tank water.