Protein Skimmer


I had the seaclone 100, and it was o.k at best.I was always having to adjust it. For 125 I got the NW-150 that SMOKES it.


Im looking at the Coralife needle type for a 125gallon. I only have a 90 gallon tank. Would this be alright?


Active Member
Originally Posted by lt34
Im looking at the Coralife needle type for a 125gallon. I only have a 90 gallon tank. Would this be alright?

Bypass and spend it on the ASM or Octopus skimmer, you'll be happier down the road


I agree about the seaClones being a waste. I have a seaclone 100 but it must be an older modle the pump just isn't large enough to get the bubbles up in the cup. The hose adjuster is constintly cloging and I have had to do a number of modifications just to get it to work half the time. I would go with the aquac or Octopus.


Originally Posted by tangs123
i third the seaclone, i also have one on my 75 and everyone says they dont work well but i dissagree
it is fantastic bang for your buck!!

I will forth the seaclone on my 55 gal, it works well and I dont have to adjust anything and have to empty the cup every couple of days of very dark fluid.
I imagine that if you spend more you should expect a skimmer to work better, the question is what is good enough for your type of tank?