Protein Skimmer?


I've been running my fish only tank for about a year now and never had a Protein Skimmer well, I finally bought one I figured my tank is pretty established and probably needs some more kinds of filtration, anyway I don't know how to put this together I put it all together like it sorta says on the box but the instructions are not that great....
It's a CA Protein Skimmer 200
It's not in a sump Its hanging on side of my DT w/ the Power Head It came w/ a Air Pump too what exactly is that for?
anyway it will run and all that but it's not foaming :help:


Active Member
Skimmers can take as much as a couple weeks or more to break in and start foaming. Give it time.


OH! ok see, thats something I needed to hear, what about this this air pump am I supposed to connect it to something? and there is this little

in the inlet line that would be for a air hose but it doesn't say hook the pump to it and when i run it it just squirts out water so I placed some hose from it to back into the tank because I don't know what to do w/ that


Active Member
All protein skimmers are set up differently. I would do a search online to see if anyone has a picture of it assembled. It might be an overflow feature.


Everytime I do a Search It comes up on ---- Listings and other Protein Skimmers, I looked on the box and there is just a address on there for returning it for manufacterer defects which I don't think there are any of those but there are engineering defects if you ask me I knew I shoulda spent a little more money and got a better brand one... I was being cheap and was trying to get more for my money but still I think I got what I paid for....


Active Member

hooks to the air lin tubing and has to be out of the water. that is why you have no bubbles, cause you have no air supply. Then their is probably an adjustment on either the air line or the pump to control the level.
Pics would help a bunch