Protein skimmer..


I have a 20 gallon high tank will 25lbs of live rock in it and compact lighting of 130watts.I was wondering if i needed a protein skimmer for my tank in order to have corals or can i have corals without the skimmer.And if i need one any1 know a good one and where i can get it,thanks.


i currently know people not using a skimmer but im here to say once you see the nasty stuff it pulls out you will wonder why you never got one before.
for a small tank i would say maybe a bak pak or a remora, maybe a coralife 65 im sure theres other brands as well but for that size tank i would choose one of these. you can generall find these for sale in the classifieds section if not try your LFS, or any online fish retailer such as this site it carries dry goods but im not sure about skimmers?
as to can you keep corals without it? sure you could get by but i believe youd be better off and have less problems with a skimmer than without one.

aztec reef

Active Member
skimmer will help alot in a reef tank..look into deltecs, aqua c remora, cpr-bpk 2, and also seaclones are good..


Active Member
Originally Posted by LAXplaya
is a protien skimmer neccesary for a 65 g tank with 90 lbs of LR, coral, and anemones?
I don't know that I can say a protein skimmer is 100% necessary. I say this because I ran a reef tank for 2 years without one. And I'm currently running my tank without one until I can afford the remora. It's been running over a month skimmerless. But I can see stuff accumulating on the surface of the water.... and I personally wouldn't run a tank without one anymore. I'll have one by the end of April.
I think you should have one.


Active Member
Originally Posted by chooch09
thanks,where can i get a remora and do u know how much it runs
Well, I know you can get them at marine& for a pretty good price. They have a nano one that I think works for up to 20g. I think it runs under $100. The normal sized remora runs about $160. You can find skimmers cheaper, but not many better than the remora.