Protein skimmer

I have a sea clone 100 and have been using it for about 2 months and I have "never" had to empty the collection cup once.Does this mean I have a clean aquarium or is this a p.o.s.?
It was brand new and i was considering replacing it with one of better quality but I wanted to make sure as I hear nothing but neg feedback about them on this site.

who dey

Active Member
can you take a pic of the cyclone inside the skimmer and i may be able to tell if somethings wrong
I'm trying to find the charger for my camera now "L"but maybe you can answer this what setting are you supposed to have the venturi on?All the way open with thousands of bubbles or closed where the water is clear?The only debris i see collects on the maxi jet intake cover and that's it.


You need bubbles to get the collection.
I dunno I have a CPR HOB Skimmer so I have no experience with sea clone.
If I twist the black tip on the maxi jet intake line it pumps millions of bubbles in the tank and it sounds like the power head is under strain so I don't know....Well thanks I think I will just put this in my qt and buy a better skimmer...

who dey

Active Member
when i had mine i would open it all the way up to create the fatest cyclone in the tube with bubbles spilling into the display tank and then slowly close it until the bubbles were minimal and it collected organic material but it started leaking at the fittings after about a year. hope this helps


New Member
Originally Posted by Oceanfishfan
I have a sea clone 100 and have been using it for about 2 months and I have "never" had to empty the collection cup once.Does this mean I have a clean aquarium or is this a p.o.s.?

I have the exact same skimmer and have to empty the chamber at least twice a week, and yes you should have pleanty of bubbles. I set mine by first removing the little twist cap on the air line completly and let the skimmer run wild for a few min. Then put the cap one and slowly twist it untill the bubbles and twerling water come up to the bottom of the cup. Really hard to do, but it is now working for me, just have to play with as controls are crude for this skimmer. (I got what I paid for
). Short story, it will skim and remove junk.


Active Member
I also have the exact same skimmer for my 75 gallon and usually need to empty the cup twice a week . I`ve had it for 5 years so far and always worked great . I`d remove the cap until it breaks-in . Also , if you don`t have much of a load you won`t be getting much in the collection cup .