Protein Skimmer


New Member
Hello All, I'm new here and hope to get some insight on a PS. I currently am using a SeaClone 150 on my 55 ga tank which has been up for 1 mo with a wet/dry filtration. Not satisfied with the results of the PS. Was thinking about upgrading to an "ASM G-Series Sump Protein Skimmer". Wondering if anyone on here has the same 1 and what you think of it. Thanks in advance.


i've been using a sea clone on a 46-gal. for about 7 yrs. and never had any major problem with it. it took about a month to a month and a half to get it tuned in right, but once i did, it was skimming fine. i als have a 100 on a 30-gal, and the same with it. i've never used a "high -class" skimmer, but IMO, for the money, the sea clone is a good deal, and does a good job. my fish load isn't that heavy though.


Originally Posted by Jamie289
Hello All, I'm new here and hope to get some insight on a PS. I currently am using a SeaClone 150 on my 55 ga tank which has been up for 1 mo with a wet/dry filtration. Not satisfied with the results of the PS. Was thinking about upgrading to an "ASM G-Series Sump Protein Skimmer". Wondering if anyone on here has the same 1 and what you think of it. Thanks in advance.
everyone i know who has an asm are very happy. just make sure you have a lot of sump space , they are big skimmers


New Member
Any suggestions on how you "tuned" yours in right? How many fish in your tank? It's just not skimming yet, think it should be by now, right? Any suggestions. Thanks


New Member
That's what I've heard. As well as "bigger is better" with the ASM. Currently doing measurements in my sump to make sure will be enough room, I think so cause I can take out the sponge. Thanks


Active Member
I have a few Seaclone skimmer and like them very much . Your skimmer won`t be removing much if there is not a big load on your system . I have my air valve almost all the way open . Did you break it in like the directions stated ?


New Member
My air valve is the same, almost all the way open. Broke in like the directions said. Have the following in the tank: 30 lbs LR, 3 damsels, 1 clown, 1 bicolor dottyback, 1 lawnmower blenny, 1 yellow tang, 2 peppermint shrimp, 8 hermit crabs. Do you think I need more of a bioload on the system to produce results than what I already have? Any suggestions please. Thanks in advance.


I havea a octopus nw 110 in my 65 and it works great. Its like the asm but not as expensive. Had mine about 10 months now.


Originally Posted by Jamie289
Any suggestions on how you "tuned" yours in right? How many fish in your tank? It's just not skimming yet, think it should be by now, right? Any suggestions. Thanks
i opened up my air valve wide open, and then closed it a bit to get the "big" air buble out of the j-tube. it took about a month until it really started to skim out junk. at first i got a bunch of wet foam, and then after that, the skimming began.


in one tank i've only got 2 clowns and a bi-colored, with snails and hermits. in the other i've got 1 clown, 2 firefish, and 1 lawnmower wiht snails and hermits and possibly a freeloading mantis shrimp (the cursed SOB).


Originally Posted by ccampbell57
I have an ASM G3 on my 180 and it rocks. It is BIG, but it gets everything out I dont want.
what kind of gph does it have? how big is it? is it only for use in a sump and price? i'm always looking to up grade.


New Member
Not sure gph exactly. Range from 100 ga - 450 ga. Pump Sedra from 2500 - 9000. Price from $230 - $440. For use in sump. Needle-wheel impeller!! Have heard nothing but GREAT things about ASM G-Series In-Sump Protein Skimmers. It is BIG... Upgrading to the G-1X rated for 150 ga this weekend. Once up and running couple of weeks will post back to let all know if "you pay for what you get". lol


AquaC Remora Pro Protein Skimmer!!!! expensive but starting producing foam next day. Sea clone was a waste of $$$ 3 weeks and it did nothing.