Protein Skimmers and trace elements


If I am running a ps 24/7, what trace elements am I removing from my system? Should my ps run 24/7?
If it matters, I am running a Berlin 25-250 ho skimmer


Active Member
I run mine 24/7. I think the pros far out way the cons. As long as your doing regular water changes I don't think there is any worry about depleting trace elements.

bang guy

From a recent study, major components of Skimmate are:
Aluminum - 45ppm
Calcium - 2200ppm
Copper - 1.5ppm
Iodine - 19ppm
Iron - 25ppm
Phosphorus - 37ppm
Silicon - 24ppm
Sulphur - 662ppm
Interesting to note is that the sludge that builds up inside the skimmer is a better export mechanism than the actual skimmate....
The Calcium export is disappointing because that needs to be replaced. An example element in the sludge is Calcium where it's found at the incredible concentration of 37,000ppm.
Again... this was a very small sample size and your results may vary.


so I should be ok as long as I do regular water changed (even with ro/di)? Based on Bang Guy's report, should I add calcium to the tank?

bang guy

Regular water changes will provide all the trace elements and bring Ca back up a bit.
My rule is to test levels if you're going to add. So, Test Ca and ALK and add only if needed. If this is for a reef then you'll find yourself adding more & more as the coral grow and become healthier.


Active Member
When doing water changes with RO/DI water all of the trace elements your tank needs are in the salt you add. Calcium usually need to be added because it gets used up so quickly. Also a buffer need to be used sometimes to bring up the alk. I second the test before you add rule...