Protein Skimmers: Height vs Body Diameter


I have read this a few times trying to see where it went wrong with you two and I just dont see it

I love your tank Rigdon87. When are you going to put the MH on it


Originally Posted by bmkj02
I have read this a few times trying to see where it went wrong with you two and I just dont see it

I love your tank Rigdon87. When are you going to put the MH on it

thats an old pic,my coralline has really takin off since then


Jeeeze This thread went south. Its the internet guys. So what if you win an arguement your still a nerd. This could be a good thread if we real it back in.


Originally Posted by Rigdon87
Dang are you sure? Alright its time to get serious john,no more kiddin around

Yep, I'm pretty sure we are all nerds. Look at what we talk about all day. Chemistry, biology, physics I'm pretty sure it quilifies us.
Anyway back on topic. I have seen the research involved in building skimmers. Its more than most people think. I know the folks at MRC I even had one of the prototype ocean force skimmers before they were out.


Originally Posted by johnr2604
Yep, I'm pretty sure we are all nerds. Look at what we talk about all day. Chemistry, biology, physics I'm pretty sure it quilifies us.
.I gotta get out of this hobby you think my "previous" way of thinkin is incorrect?They way i was lookin at it was less capacity mean less water and more air which is good right?


Active Member
Alright now I've cleaned some pretty over-the-line comments out of this thread, everyone take a deep breath, let it go, and keep it on topic. There is some educational conversation going on here, it'd be a shame to have to end it.


Originally Posted by Rigdon87
.I gotta get out of this hobby you think my "previous" way of thinkin is incorrect?They way i was lookin at it was less capacity mean less water and more air which is good right?
You are actually right about the water/air thing but some would argue that skimming weter is better. Problem is it dosn't end there . Its a lot of variables rolled into one. I'm in no way trying to say the euro reef is bad at all in fact its a great skimmer. Skimmer design seems to be very trendy. "Oh no so and so started using a whirlygig in their skimmers" so everybody else follows suite. Its actually if the whirlygig makes it work beter that is debatable. So basically we are trendy nerds if you can have that LOL.
I guess what I'm saying is you can make either design work and work well if its set up correctly


Originally Posted by johnr2604
You are actually right about the water/air thing but some would argue that skimming weter is better. Problem is it dosn't end there . Its a lot of variables rolled into one. I'm in no way trying to say the euro reef is bad at all in fact its a great skimmer. Skimmer design seems to be very trendy. "Oh no so and so started using a whirlygig in their skimmers" so everybody else follows suite. Its actually if the whirlygig makes it work beter that is debatable. So basically we are trendy nerds if you can have that LOL.
I guess what I'm saying is you can make either design work and work well if its set up correctly
Did we just become friends


Originally Posted by johnr2604
You are actually right about the water/air thing but some would argue that skimming weter is better. Problem is it dosn't end there . Its a lot of variables rolled into one. I'm in no way trying to say the euro reef is bad at all in fact its a great skimmer. Skimmer design seems to be very trendy. "Oh no so and so started using a whirlygig in their skimmers" so everybody else follows suite. Its actually if the whirlygig makes it work beter that is debatable. So basically we are trendy nerds if you can have that LOL.
I guess what I'm saying is you can make either design work and work well if its set up correctly
did we juss become best friends


Originally Posted by johnr2604
You are actually right about the water/air thing but some would argue that skimming weter is better. Problem is it dosn't end there . Its a lot of variables rolled into one. I'm in no way trying to say the euro reef is bad at all in fact its a great skimmer. Skimmer design seems to be very trendy. "Oh no so and so started using a whirlygig in their skimmers" so everybody else follows suite. Its actually if the whirlygig makes it work beter that is debatable. So basically we are trendy nerds if you can have that LOL.
I guess what I'm saying is you can make either design work and work well if its set up correctly
Did we just become best friends


Contact time is the most important determining factor IMO when it concerns protein skimmers. A fat twirler will do just as good of a job as a tall skinny one if the contact time is the same. Also the size of the bubbles greatly effect the efficiency of a skimmer. Big bubbles are bad while tiny ones give more contact surface per gallon of water. Also it is better to have a slower turn over rate (like a UV) than a really fast one because the more time the water is in the skimmer the cleaner it is when it leaves. These are my personal opinions on skimmers. You know what people say about opinions right?


Originally Posted by Tiredoldman
Contact time is the most important determining factor IMO when it concerns protein skimmers. A fat twirler will do just as good of a job as a tall skinny one if the contact time is the same. Also the size of the bubbles greatly effect the efficiency of a skimmer. Big bubbles are bad while tiny ones give more contact surface per gallon of water. Also it is better to have a slower turn over rate (like a UV) than a really fast one because the more time the water is in the skimmer the cleaner it is when it leaves. These are my personal opinions on skimmers. You know what people say about opinions right?
Yep, I agree 100%.