Protein Skimmers vs. Standard Filters


New Member
I'm mapping out a new set for a reef tank with Corals (I'm a rook at this so if I say the wrong thing sorry).
I've been told by more than one person that if I'm going with a reef tank with Coral I need to get a protein skimmer. But then there's those few saying it's not necessary and just costs more money.
So now I ask you... Is a Protein Skimmer a MUST for reef tanks?
Also, since I'm leaning toward a Protein Skimmer, What models or style do you prefer or recommend?

bob a.

Been down that road myself. Yes, with corals it a definate requirement. Look at it this way, a skimmer removes alot of the waste products before they get a chance to start to break down and go through the ammonia, nitrite, nitrate cycle. Its also one of the things you dont want to cheap out on. I am running a remora pro and a remora on a reef and fish only tank respectively. They are considedred by many folks to be two of the better models out there, but they aint cheap. All this Jebo stuff you see on a famous auction site for 30 or 40 bucks is garbage.
My suggestion to you is to look for somebody that is getting out of the hobby and has a complete system to sell. You will get some good stuff and not so good stuff and you might inherit some problems, but overall you will be way ahead financially. People spend upwards of 3 to 4 grand on a tank and livestock and sell em for less than half that routinely when it doesnt go as well as they want. Take your time and do a lot of background research before you take the plunge. good luck.


have you actually tried the jebo models? I talked to one person and they said it was a "powerful skimmer" but I did figure you get what you pay for.


Active Member
I'd do tons of research on skimmers before you decide..IME, A GOOD protien skimmer is a great tool...I can't say enough about buying a GOOD skimmer.
Anybody who tells you a skimmer isn't needed probably hasn't used a GOOD skimmer.


Active Member
JEBO a clone of the CPR bak -pak which leaves a lot to be desired itself.........I think for most, that are not of the mindset that you have to spend big $$$ for good stuff that works the Coral Life super skimmer IMHO as well as a horde of others opinions gives a lot of bang for the buck....It works exceptionally well.


I have an excaliber??? It makes a ton of waste to the point were it needs cleaned weekly. I like the idea of buying a set up from someone getting out. I have seen so many adds for nice complete packages with everything for CHEAP!!!


No, its not a requirement. There are many, many ways to avoid having a skimmer. You can do many weekly/biweekly water changes, have a solid refugium with macro, and limit pollutants into the aquarium. Think of those large tanks with only a couple of small fish, some actually run skimmerless. I would advise getting a decent skimmer or DIY and getting a sump with some cheato or calurpa. It will save you a headache down the road, I would also use RO DI water.