Protein Skimmers


Active Member
As cheap as $100, and as expensive as $700.
Depends on the size of your tank.
The skimmer I bought for my tank was $250 and it works excellent.


:mad: I'm Only 12 I Don't Have The Money for That.:mad: I guess My Tank Will Live Though. My Water Readings Are Normal So I Guess A Skimmr Won't Be Neccessary Until I Get The Money For One.


you could always build your own Counter current skimmer using PVC pipe, an air pump, and a powerhead.
here the one i built for my onl cost me $50 in parts at home depot.


Active Member
There are quite a few skimmers available for less than $100, and some even less than $50. Check out the trading and classified section for used skimmers. You can usually pick up a half-decent one for around $100.
By the way, I've seen some skimmers that sell for prices in the thousands!


Active Member
Wow starting young in the hobby =)
Id echo what was said previous you do get what you pay for. I started with a cheapo skimmer and finally replaced it with a Euroreef. It did cost but its totally worth the money.
The other thing, and not to be harsh but this hobby is really expensive and not for the faint of wallet. Im not sure what your setting up but I would highly suggest going fish only or fish with live rock only.


i have seen a skimmer that had to be in the 1000's. it was like 18 inches around and about 6.5 feet high. the collection cup probably could hold about 6 gallons lol


what in the hell size tank does that go on? that thing is huge . u think that thing will be good on my 180gal just playin


LOL there's probably more than double 180 gallons of water in there at any given time.... :) My LFS that has it routes all his livestock displays, etc, into one biga$$ sump and this skimmer. It's ridiculously huge.