Protein skimmers

carpe diem

New Member
I am seeking reviews on proteins skimmers for a 125 reef tank. What are the best skimmers on the market? Cost is not an issue, I am tired of paying for a cheaper product and finding out that it really is cheaper!!


New Member
I have heard that EPS are about the best, but that is hearsay, as i have never had one and don't know anyone who does. The Rock or Reef Ranger may know for sure. I am extremely happy with my Tunze skimmer. In fact, i have slowly been switching to all Tunze products. The website is Hope this helps.


I myself as with alot of my reef buddies use top fathom brand skimmers. They're operated by a venturi with a rather powerful pump. Check out their web site at I have been very pleased with performance of mine. Good luck.


I just bought a berlin classic for my 150 gal. It works great once you get it adjusted.