Protein skimmers


I am looking for a quality protein skimmer(h.o.t.) that you have used or are currently using and would buy again. I have seached the threads on skimmers but many threads are not based on skimmers alone , just there effectiveness in the system. I am considering the cpr backpak series of skimmers but havent put the credit card to websight yet for purchase. Any info (positive or negative) in regards to proteins skimmers and their manufacturers would be aprreciated. :happyfish


I am looking at getting the Aqua C Remora. I ordered a coralife super skimmer and sent it back because it took up so much room inside my tank. I have heard great things about both though.


Active Member
Originally Posted by dmjordan
I use an Aqua C Remora. Haven't had any problems with it.
Me too.


I have a sea clone and I hate it, no matter what I do, it pumps bazillions of little bubbles into my tank. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :mad:


I run a Skilter and love it.
It was cheap but it really works well, and with a 'towel' over the top of it you can bearly hear it running.
Im having a problem with its filter right now. The carbon matt is getting clogged every 3 o 4 days. But the thing hasa nice overflow return so thats not an issue. It will still skim even if the fliter is clogged.


I have a red sea berlin classic turbo and it kicks ass on my 65 with 20 gallon sump but I have it in my sump. They make a h.o.t. version that I believe is a lil less expensive than mine was. Mine costs me 200$ would definitely buy another. Great company all around


Active Member
I just got a in sump ASM G-3 ...... I had a seaclone 150 before that i would be willing to sell to you ...... they are horrible but if you like green tea then it will work


lol you're one hell of a salesman hehe
"I have the worst car in the world".... want to buy it?? hehe :hilarious


Active Member
I'm with bang for buck ASM G series. Provided you have a sump. If not set one of those up first. Hang on skimmers wont work as well, can overflow on to your floor and the advantages of sumps are far more than just having a place for a skimmer.


No I do not have a sump and wasn't planning on one anytime soon. I did notice the coralife was an either or, but everyone here seems to like the Aqua Remora as good / great h.o.t skimmer.
I already own a 3 year old seaclone. It has worked poor to ok for the past 3 years,untill recently when it gave up the ghost.
Any comments on the cpr bakpack or even the cpr dual as a hang on filter. The price of the cpr dual and the aqua remora are about the same $$ on the websight i am looking at. Price wasnt the issue as much as quality and APPLICATION.
Thanks guys/gals for all the info. I will await some good/bad info on the cpr b4 i make the decision. :thinking:


Active Member
If you absolutely positively must have a HOT. I would go with the coralife.or aquaC. Problem with hang ons is the water level is constantly varying. This will reduce efficiency no matter what skimmer you hang on there.
I know you don't want to hear it and I can understand why if the tank is in a inconvenient location to add one or your not familiar with setting one up, but I would first spend the money on a sump.
Good luck.


I guess i would have to say that I am not familar with setting one up and that is what is swaying my decision. Some of the ones I have looked at on these boards are rough sketches and maybe to some people they make sence but not to me. I understand the concept , placing the sump below the tank .....placing the heater,protein skimmer and any other item in the the sump.
What I dont understand is how the overflow works , how the water gets back into the tank (yes i assume a pump) . how much flow and how all that is regulated and i am sure most important like all of know .....$$$$$$ what will it all cost in the end . Most of the sumps i have seen at the lfs are at least $400 not including the pump.
?s pop into my head like whathappens during a power outage. I am assuming only so much water will go over the over flow??? and since there is no power it cant pump the sump dry???? right???
With out having a working knowledge of the sysytem is why I am using and working with a HOT system.
Anyone willing to give me a dollar figure on a sump w/pump along with some details on pipping and hookup i would be happy to listen.