protein skimmers


Active Member
I'd go with something beefy and if you can go for the upper limit of your budget you might get your hands on a E-R skimmer. I was looking at that and H&S skimmer and ended up with the latter. Price was more, but the H&S skimmer was about 1.5 inches lower so that did it for me.


I like aqua C skimmers and their big collection cups! They also have a small thing on top of the cup that filters the smell!


Active Member
Before you buy, just be sure it will fit under your stand inside the sump and has enough clearance so that you can clean it. I bought a slightly used CSS 220 and sure enough, that devil didn't fit under our stand.


Active Member
Originally Posted by DANWEB
what about the msx 200. will that work for that size tank.
a little large for a 90 gal. But the msx 160 would be a good choice. It is just a little more than the original poster wanted to spend, which is why I did not suggest it earlier.