Protein Skimmers


I have been looking at skimmers for the past week and don't know which one to get. I have ruled out the seaclone 150 for it has bad ratings. I have a 90gal tank I have a canister for filtration. I was looking at the Super Skimmer up to 220 gal, the Berlin Classic Complete up to 200 , and Fission Power up to 210. I would like to get a hang-on, and I have read that you are suppose to double your tank gal and go from there.


Active Member
An Aqua-C Remora pro is, by far, the best HOT skimmer I've ever used. No adjustments, great tech support & easy to set up. It rated up to 120 gal (I think). I think it will handle a 90 gal easily.


Active Member
for that price range the aqua c pro. i think they are even selling a cup upgrade now for using a mag 5 instead of a mag 3


Active Member
i never tried the pro, but i tried the remora. i thought it was worthless.
i like the aqua media turbofloater for smaller tanks.


Originally Posted by Mr_X
i never tried the pro, but i tried the remora. i thought it was worthless.
i like the aqua media turbofloater for smaller tanks.
I don't think 90gal is a small tank but I know there are a lot bigger ones so I guess it is classified as small


Aqua Medic Turbofloater 1000 Multi Skimmer Hang-on I think that is the best way to go thank everyone for thier help


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
How much money do you have to spend? I'm a big fan of life reef skimmers!
Are you serious? You are the first one here that I'm seeing using LifeReef. We just received Jeff's Berliner system for 150 and LifeReefugium. It has the LR skimmer in it.


We just replaced a 7 month old coralife super skimmer with a Aquamedic turboflotor multi SL, because I broke the pump. We tried to replace the pump but found out its been on back order for a while. I would stay away from coralife, period. The turboflotor is a nice unit.
Good luck.


New Member
I got an octopus HOB and it works great. Had it for about two weeks now and it produces skimmate every one to two days.


New Member
Clown4life- I also have a 90g tank. It also runs on a canister with two powerheads. I did some research before I dove into a skimmer and read the octopus were good. I ordered a HOB-100SS and hooked it up. It really skims like a monster. The pic above was about two days worth of skimmate. I am really glad I got one. Only potential problem is that the pump is in the tank but I took care of that by moving a tall plant in front to cover it up...problem solved.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mr_X
i never tried the pro, but i tried the remora. i thought it was worthless.
i like the aqua media turbofloater for smaller tanks.
Well I have a small tank. A 29 gal. My aqua C works great. I empty it everyday


Active Member
Originally Posted by metweezer
Well I have a small tank. A 29 gal. My aqua C works great. I empty it everyday

Yeah; I can never remember a negative comment about Aqua C Remora/ Remora pro. But, there are so many variables that not everyone will have the same results, IMO. I'll know one thing: skimmers do a great service, but are still the most over-priced pieces of acrylic in existence.
I am new to saltwater and I bought a seaclone. It wasn't working so I got online checking out all the ways to modify it. Just as I was getting ready to put a saw to my tubes I came across some advice to put the air intake valve wide open. The tube sucking the water out of the tank filled with foamy water. I let it run for a couple minutes and a pocket of air developed in the curve of the intake tube. Then I adjusted it down little by little till this air pocket got sucked thru. It has been skimming like mad ever since.