Protien skimmer ?



Okay, I am doping some research on protein skimmers and how they are installed in/on a tank. Could someone please tell me if you can put teh skimmer directly in the tank? Most of what I see is hang on or in sump, but it appears that you could just place it in the tank (back corner maybe) and it would work just the same. Is this a possibility?
Time for question #2- Does anyone have any suggestions for brands of skimmers? I think I read once on here that the Prism brand skimmers were pretty much junk but I could be wrong on that so don't persecute me for that statement.
Oh, if it matters I have a 75g tank.


many people have recommended the Remora by AquaC to me :joy:
its thin and steamlined so it works well as a HOB


There may be some nano-style skimmers that actually go in the tank, but most either hang off the back with only the pump emmersed in the tank, or some are designed to be placed in a sump (With a relatively low water level).
Asking people for a favorite brand of skimmer is like asking people for their favorite brand of car . . . you'll get tons of answers.
I have a AquaC RemoraPro for my 90g . . . highly recommended, but there are many other good ones.


Originally Posted by f14peter
There may be some nano-style skimmers that actually go in the tank, but most either hang off the back with only the pump emmersed in the tank, or some are designed to be placed in a sump (With a relatively low water level).
Asking people for a favorite brand of skimmer is like asking people for their favorite brand of car . . . you'll get tons of answers.
I have a AquaC RemoraPro for my 90g . . . highly recommended, but there are many other good ones.
I can see your point on the brand but here's my ideology, if 75% or more say a Yugo sucks, my guess is that a Yugo sucks and don't buy one. At least then I can hopefully avoid spending money on something that will fail or fall apart in a matter of months.
So protein skimers in a tank without a sump pretty much have one option, hang off the back? Am I reading that right? Sorry for the detailed question but it appears that a pump inside the tank would looke better as it could be hidden for the most part. What can I do with a hang on type, put a crochet cover over it. I guess I could get one for each season then.


Originally Posted by blackaero1
I can see your point on the brand but here's my ideology, if 75% or more say a Yugo sucks, my guess is that a Yugo sucks and don't buy one. At least then I can hopefully avoid spending money on something that will fail or fall apart in a matter of months.
So protein skimers in a tank without a sump pretty much have one option, hang off the back? Am I reading that right? Sorry for the detailed question but it appears that a pump inside the tank would looke better as it could be hidden for the most part. What can I do with a hang on type, put a crochet cover over it. I guess I could get one for each season then.
If you go with a Remora, they sell a box that fits over the pump and serves several purposes . . . it insures that the pump only picks up water from the surface, it has a chamber that cuts down on microbubbles coming out of the skimmer, and while not exactly small, to me it looks a lot better than a pump dangling down.
Since most HOB skimmers are on the back, they're really unobtrusive, visually. In fact, I have a wood canopy and the top of the skimmer only sticks up around an inch or two, you really have to look for it to notice it. I have a background on my tank, so the skimmer is completely invisible looking through the tank.
As for brands, I understand these to be pretty darn good . . . AquaC (Remora, Urchin, ES-series), ASM, and SuperSkimmers. Each works a little differently, but are probably all just as effective . . . just make sure the skimmer can handle the size of your tank. I've heard that it's not uncommon for skimmer manufacturers to "over emphasize" their product's capabilities so it's better to error on the side of a larger capacity skimmer.


I purchased the Ramora w/ box and it works excellent. The box is a little awkward, and especially to adjust as evap occurrs, but it functions 100% as expected. Cleans like a champ and keeps the microbubbles waaaay down.