Protien skimmer


Hi, I have a seaclone 100 running on my 55 gal. not pulling to much stuff should I be concernded. Son says its running dry? working as it should?


Active Member
i've never owned a seaclone, but i've heard they are among the worst skimmers. i'd try to make it skim as wet as possible in order to increase it's efficiency.


Hi. With this size tank and my bio-load how much skim should I be pulling out ? Have 1-maroon clown/ 1 koran angle/ 1 copper banded angel ( had aptasia problem) 1 -yellow wrasse/ 1 aglae blenny/ several damsels assorted/shrooms/zoos/zoas/3-anomes w/crabs/asst. clean up crew.6 -8 peppermint shrimp/1 cleaner shrimp


Hi, forgot to mention I had a nitrate problem seems to have resolved itself.Tank has approx 75 pounds
of live rock/2-3 inches of live sand,4x65watt pc lighting/uv as well


Active Member
Originally Posted by Plumber
Hi. With this size tank and my bio-load how much skim should I be pulling out ? Have 1-maroon clown/ 1 koran angle/ 1 copper banded angel ( had aptasia problem) 1 -yellow wrasse/ 1 aglae blenny/ several damsels assorted/shrooms/zoos/zoas/3-anomes w/crabs/asst. clean up crew.6 -8 peppermint shrimp/1 cleaner shrimp

I have the same exact skimmer on my 55 gal and I HATE it with a burning passion
. I takes like 3 months for it to fill up the cup and my tank has a pretty decent bioload. I was able to mod it and get it to run a little better, but over it is a piece of junk and you should get a better one whenever you have the chance. Don't expect much from the skimmer.


Hi ,If this skimmer is not working as it should please open to suggestions as to its replacement


Well, X is right, running it wet is a lot better, but when it comes to seaclones it is way more likely to flood your house that way. I replaced my seaclone with a octopus bh 100 hob. It is about 100 times better and it is only about 100 bucks. Shop around, it is obvious which skimmers are good and which are bad, just google it.