protine skimming during cycle?


Active Member
Running the protien skimmer during cycling depends on your setup. Do you have Live Rock/ Live Sand - if so you probably want to run it, otherwise I'd leave it off.
With a new tank there's pretty much nothgin for it to skim anyway.
You could just shut off the air flow and use the skimmer to move water.


I agree with ocellaris_keeper. Some people say to run the skimmer, others don't. I've been cycling my tank for almost 2 weeks now (using uncured LR) and have used the skimmer. It has helped get a lot of the crud that died off my rock out of the tank. My cycle is almost complete and I haven't experienced any problems.


hello i have a 55gal with natures live sand and 50lbs of live uncured LR and two clown fish and my cycle just started yesterday. so i should start runnning my skimmer since the cycle has started? and do i leave it runnign all the time like the filter? just a stuipd question how do i know that the LR is still Live Rock and not Dead? Cause i have to feed them twice a week. i am also running a fluval 303 filter.

kevin j

movadoman it sounds like you just set up a tank and you have two clown fish? Sorry but it sounds like you just threw away that money because those fish probably wont make it. And you feed your live rock? Please go out and buy a book and read it. I am not trying to be mean but sounds like you are totally lost and reading would help or read the boards more. First your tank is just started to cycle you should not add fish while that is going on. Next you dont have to feed your rock it is live. And yes run your skimmer because you have uncurred live rock.


Just thought I'd throw my two cents in, I think it is a good idea to run the skimmer if you are using LR to start your cycle. I'm about 1.5 weeks into doing just that and I've had to empty my skimmer collection cup every other day since I turned it on. A bonus is that the skimmer should help keep algae under control by removing some of the die-off that helps feed algae. Running it will also give your skimmer the needed 'break-in' period in order for it to function properly.


Sounds like you and I are in the same boat, NaCL-Man. I've done pretty much the exact same thing as you and found the same thing with my skimmer. Man, the stuff that it pulls outta the tank stinks big time! I have been cleaning mine out every day just to get rid of the stench.
To answer your question, movadoman, yes...keep your skimmer running all the time. I would second the motion to get yourself some good reading material. It helped me out a lot, as did this site. Good luck!!!