Proud of our accomplishments in the NICU.


Active Member
President Obama probably thinks you work so hard to save these lives just to get more money. Do you do tonsillectomies in addition?
He probabaly thinks it is "stupid" to spend so much money on so few.
Good Lord with health care like this these politicians want to destroy it?
Fine Work! Keep it up!


Active Member
No disrespect, but Obama has nothing to do with this baby or this thread... I would like to keep it that way. It's not about the health care, or my hospital or my unit or me..... it's about this little baby who came into our world with a 0% chance of survival based on our own previous successes. And yet she's a little fighting miracle. Her room mate is also a little miracle for different reasons. She's a 24 weeker that also beat some complication odds. She's actually the one I'm sweet on and I think about her when I'm not there and run for her side when I arrive to see how she's doing. I dore them both... but I primary the 24 weeker.... and I assign my best nurses to their room :)
I LOVE my little girls!
But you can't imagine how hard it is to send them home..... but I won't think about that now.... I have a lot of time left to enjoy.


Active Member
I'm on the front lines as an Emergency Department Physician. I know the score.
I've had my own moments, a 13 month brought to ED pulseless, grey and lifeless. Our team resusitated him and he left the hospital 3 days later.
I want to keep seeing these advances. I want dedicated professionals like you in the profession.
Obamacare will not allow this.
You'd get "life counselling".
We can do amazing things in the medical field, the politicians want to mess that up.


Active Member
But don't you get it? I want to talk about the accomplish of this baby.... not talk about Politics. I hate politics. I'm not offended and I mean no offense but I avoid those threads like the plague.
The system doesn't work now, BTW. But that's better to be discussed in a thread about politics... not a thread about hope.


A friend's sister back in FL just gave birth to a littl girl at 25 weeks and she is such an amazing little peanut! We have watched her progress through pictures. She just had a mild set back but is still far ahead of where they expected her to be. Her projected release date is her original b-day and the family is tired but ecstatic. The nurses have become family. They are there feeling every high and low with the family and it has been such a comfort.
There is another little 24 weeker, born from teenage parents who have decided he is too much and he has been abandoned. The nurses have been coming in on their time off to spend time with him and hold him.
The job you do must be incredibly draining! I can't imagine.


Active Member
If anyone was looking for volunteer work, I bet your local hospital could use cuddlers. Sometimes all we have time for is to change a diaper and hook them up to their feeding pump. Cuddlers come in and hold them and I can't tell you how big of a deal this is. They have a very significant role in the growth and development of the preemie.
Yes, it's very draining work. But how cool is it when they walk up to you and say "Hi, I'm Brandon. You were my primary nurse and I wanted to come back and say thank you".
It's funny how the best moment and the worst moment can be rolled up in the one... when they go home. My primary just went home after being there 8 months. She cried and held out her arms to me when she left with mom.... I can't even explain how that feels.


Active Member
Renee, All I can say is thank you for the work you do.
My daughter was born at 29 weeks, weighing 2.4 lbs with Coarctation of the Aorta. Her birthmother left her in the hospital with no name. The nurses named her Hope. She spent the first two months of her life there in the NICU.
I am forever greatful to the doctors and nurses that took care of her.
and Yes she has a couple things going for her, female, single and half AA


Active Member
I've thought hard on how to handle the amazing professionalism and accomplishments of the medical community as they are belittled by President Obama.
He accuses doctors of taking out tonsils just for the money.
He thinks that sometimes a pain pill is the answer instead of an expensive surgery. The bill mandates "end of life counselling" at least every 5 years, and more often if you have certain diseases.
We may not be given then opportunitiy to work these miracles in the future in an effort to "save money".
Medical decisions will be made outside the doctor-patient relationship.
Like in th OP, these dedicated professionals took an infant with almost 0% chance of survival and worked a miracle. Will Obama-care be willing to spend that much to work the miracle, or will they "spread the wealth" and use that money for services for other patinets? Will they just give patients like Hope pain medications to ease their way?
Those are my concerns with gov't run healthcare and how it relates to this miracle.
O2, MD
Board Certified
American College of Emergency Physicians


Active Member
Renee, just read this thread. You always seem to amaze me in some way and this is just wonderful. Well done lady. Thank you for your dedication.


I never worked as a medical professional, but I did security at a level 3 facility, and I got to walk through the NICU and I know what you mean by peanut.
They are so tiny and cute!
Your story is heart warming, I can't imagine how elated the parents are getting!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Cranberry
No disrespect, but Obama has nothing to do with this baby or this thread... I would like to keep it that way. It's not about the health care, or my hospital or my unit or me..... it's about this little baby who came into our world with a 0% chance of survival based on our own previous successes. And yet she's a little fighting miracle. Her room mate is also a little miracle for different reasons. She's a 24 weeker that also beat some complication odds. She's actually the one I'm sweet on and I think about her when I'm not there and run for her side when I arrive to see how she's doing. I dore them both... but I primary the 24 weeker.... and I assign my best nurses to their room :)
I LOVE my little girls!
But you can't imagine how hard it is to send them home..... but I won't think about that now.... I have a lot of time left to enjoy.
It's been a wonderful week and a horrible week. One went home with her mommy.... yesterday the other ..... just went..... home. :-(


Active Member
Originally Posted by Cranberry
It's been a wonderful week and a horrible week. One went home with her mommy.... yesterday the other ..... just went..... home. :-(
I'm not being sarcastic, but I have a lot of appreciation for people like you who work in the medical field. Especially in NICU


You do amazing work.

I work with many of these peanuts once they come home since many need ongoing developmental therapies. (I'm a music/occupational and educational therapist for early intervention)
I'm always amazed at the work NICU nurses put in to help these little ones.
I was a preemie with a low expectation for survival (25 1/2 weeks). I owe my life to my primary NICU nurse.


Active Member
Awww. Thanks. But today I don't like it very much. She fought so hard.... and I wan't there..... It's been so busy at work, no one thought to call me. I never got my kiss.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Cranberry
Awww. Thanks. But today I don't like it very much. She fought so hard.... and I wan't there..... It's been so busy at work, no one thought to call me. I never got my kiss.
My brother works in ICU, and he prefers it that way, all they gotta do is make it through his shift. He doesn't want to be there if they don't.


Originally Posted by Cranberry
Awww. Thanks. But today I don't like it very much. She fought so hard.... and I wan't there..... It's been so busy at work, no one thought to call me. I never got my kiss.

Days like that are tough. **HUG** I had a little one drown 4 summers ago, after working with him that morning.


Active Member
Aww...sorry you didn't get to get your kiss.
It's hard not to get some sort of attachment to them when they're so little and need so much time and attention.
It is great that the other baby went home with mama though.
Thank you for all that you do. It's definitely appreciated more than most will ever understand.~hugs~


Active Member
From someone that has babies on the way, thank you for all that you and your colleagues do! I just hope I never need those services!