Pruning yellow zoos


Active Member
I have some stray Yellow Zoanthids that are stinging other corals.
Any tips for removing them? I tried pulling them out with tweezers but only managed to pull their heads off.
Any tried and tested ways other than removing the rock?

nm reef

Active Member
Yellow polyps? They can become a pest if they are allowed to grow out of control. About three years ago I had a single polyp appear as a hitchhiker and now I have a large flourishing colony.....and sometimes I wish I had removed that single polyp. To keep mine under control(sort of) I remove them by the hand full...just rip them out and discard I have harvested them and returned them to a LFS for store credit...I also keep several peppermints in the hope they will take a liking to them....sadly nothing has been very effective. If there is a natural predator for them I'd like to know what it is.....:thinking:


Active Member
col I heard exacto knife also, and some super glue gel (if you want to try to keep them).
When I first started I bought what the LFS told me was a LMB. Had a nice bunch of yellow polyps and they disappeared---saw that the "imposter" was the culprit. Remove it and put into QT, did some research. Ended up to be an Ember Blenny, cirripectes stigmaticus. That was the only problem I had with it, but I had no other corals at that time. Look up them, it looked like the LMB just all black and I think blue spots if you looked close enough.


Active Member
Thanks for replies.
I'll try cutting them off near the base - do you think they will grow back?


If these things are as resilient as you're saying (only pulling their heads off) - could you stick some in a bag and send them my way!? I'm having a hard time getting anything to grow!