PS2-Resident Evil



So my kid gets this game. He starts off in a bar. How does he get out of that room?? Make this simple cause I don't know anything about these playstation games...


How old is the kid? It will be much easier if you google "resident evil (whichever # it is) walk through PS2" then he/she can read for themself what to do when they get stuck. Make sure they google the complete name of the game and system because they might vary from ps2 and nintendork.


Active Member
So a priest, a rabbi and a blonde walk into a bar and the bartender says "What is this a joke?"
Actually the google thing is a good idea, I have gotten my son through a couple of games that way. But include the word Walkthrough in your search.


One of the easier ways to find help with various video games and computer games is
You can find walkthroughs, faqs and other stuff for just about any game out there. Hope that helps. By the way, that game rocked. Its been a long time since I played and finished that game.


New Member
Yeah, that's a great site... just get ready for some frustration since the other chars. in the game aren't the most cooperative folks...


Originally Posted by ltrain35
By the way, that game rocked. Its been a long time since I played and finished that game.

That's good to hear you say, cause he wanted to return it last night. He thinks he paid 30 bucks just to be in a bar then die!!
He's 11, but he's had a controller in his hand since he was 2 and I let him get the "M" games if they are M's because of violence and/or gore. I don't care about that stuff. Even I played cops and robbers as a kid.
I don't let him get the adult language or --- stuff.
But thanks for the sight Itrain, I'll show it to him.


Definately keep the game. I played all of them back on psone and they were my favorites then. They don't make them for xbox or I'd still be playing them.


Thanks BigB,
I will show him this thread when he gets home from school.


Active Member
All the resident evil games besides 4 have such insanely retarded controls. I bought the remake of the old RE and the controls pissed me off so bad I took the game back the next day and traded it in for less money than I paid for it. Resident Evil 4 comes out for PS2 soon if not already and the controls are very user friendly.... and aside from that its an insanely great game.