Originally Posted by
It's use is still pointless now. Side component or not.
Thats just a copout now IMO. It was used as a selling incentive when the Xbox was released now its obsolete and Xbox fanatics are passing it off as so what. If it were me I would be royally pe'od if PS3 dropped the bluRay out of their systems. One of their biggest selling points was that you are buying an entertainment center not just a gaming console. With the 360 you had the best of both worlds an entertainment unit that can play HD games and HD DVD's and now its gone.
So your only option to stay current with the newest technology is to go out and buy a BluRay disk player... The average price is $400 thats the cost of a PS3 unit. Add the cost of a xbox to that and your total cost for what the PS3 gives you is almost $700.00 ouch...And FWIW...You havent seen anything yet as far as what the PS3's capabilities are. I have a friend who works for EA, he said PS3 people need to sit back and wait.. they are going to blow you away with whats in store for PS3.