Pseudo-agressive fish and clean-up crews


david melczer

To anyone with experience with reef "clean-up crews" are a few quick questions that I hope you can answer.
I have a 90-gallon setup that currently contains 1 red volitans lion, 2 clarkii clowns, 2 yellow tangs, 1 purple tang, 1 banana wrasse, 2 condylactis anemone, and 1 snowflake moray eel.
I attempt to minimize water changes as much as possible, preferring to get the best filtration I can get my hands on, and use supplements to replenish the nutrients that are lost through filtration (protein skimming, nitrate reduction, fluidized bed, etc.)...I figure 5 gallons per week in evaporation adds up to about a 22% water change over the course of the month anyway...which is about par for the course for wat I've read is recommended.
One problem that I currently have is small patches of green and brown algae growing on the front and side glass walls (and green algae on the back wall). It's been drastically reduced since the introduction of the nitrate reductor, but is still a nuisance. I am looking for a natural solution to get rid of this problem. I am currently looking to use turbo snails and perhaps a cucumber or two to clean the aragonite base layer (brown algae grows in layers on the aragonite as well). The questions I have are as follows:
Being on the "agressive" side, will either the volitans or snowflake eat the snails or cucumbers?
Will the turbo snails also clean the live rock in the tank (and will they eat the coraline algae, or leave it alone)?
And, finally, will the tangs pick at either the cucumber or the snails?
Thanks for any insight that you guys (and gals) can provide. It is much appreciated.
-Dave Melczer


You can't count the replaced evaporated water as a water change. When the water evaporates it leaves all the impurities in the tank (phosphates, nitrates, etc). If you do the amount of impurities will continue to add up and could potentially reach toxic levels. Don't skimp on the water changes unless your filtration system is truly immaculate.
i have a snowflake moray eel myself and it seems he eats the turbo snails. i bought a half dozen of them and within a month all of em were i suggest u dont get snails u can maybe try for cleaner shrimp orother crabs.hope this helps


We were having the same problem and purchesed some blennies to take care of it. So far so good. We are, however, doing water chanes, 25% every four weeks.