Well, all I can say is monitor it very carefully. I purchased a pseudochromis aureus and within 3 months he had eaten 1 peppermint, 2 skunk cleaners, and 1 fire shrimp. He was the perfect model citizen for a good 6 weeks. I am a good feeder (everyday), and he still tormented them. First he would pester them so that they literally lived on top of a few powerheads, not being able to venture into the rocks. Then got them one by one. I eventually was able to trap it, but not until it had killed the last shrimp.
I had even consulted Bob Fenner's website to see if he would be ok, (prior to placing him in the tank) was told that it could happen, but not likely.
Now, with this being said, yours is not the same beast, however in the same family, and same boldness. I hope for the best, but wanted to share my experience. Sorry to rain on your parade.
Like all saltwater fish, there are bad apples in every family.