Well poopsnot!! I would have much rather been something cool like a Fairy Wrasse........nah, too colorful, that fish gives me an epeleptic ceasure just looking at it. A Royal Gramma......... nah, two seperate personalities. A Lawnmower Blenny.......nah, hate to cut grass. A Turbo Snail.......nah, too much boost lag. A Niger Trigger.......nah, too many racial slurrs. A Moorish Idol........nah, too much resposibility to be someone's idol. A Volitan Lion.......... nah, I poke myself in the eye too much. A Panther Grouper......... nah, more of a loner myself. A Pearly Jawfish.........nah, TMJ. A Catalina Goby.............nah, too cold. A Feather Duster...........nah, don't like to clean. A Pijama Cardinal............nah, I go commando. I guess I will have to take my Chevron Tang...........Stupid Tang Police.