Psst.....what the crap is a Chevron Tang?


Active Member
What I want to know is why I have to put up 500 posts to achieve the ELITE chevron tang status. I notice others don't have 500 yet but are chevrons. I'm rather hurt and insulted by this rediculousness at!
Or, maybe they felt that some of my posts were so worthless that they didn't deserve any credit!


Active Member
I was thinking just yesterday (must have been bored) that I'm almost at the French Angel level. FWIW!. Then boom a Chevron Tang. What a surprise.
Funny how these little things affect us:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


i feel that i am qualified to bash cincy better than most because i have lived in other cities. (cincy 10yrs, chicago 11yrs) first the newport aquarium is in NEWPORT thats why they call it the NEWPORT AQUARIUM. and by the way the newport aquarium is not taking good care of those fish. this is where sw masocists work (hehe). Cincinnati has one good fish store. JUST ONE!!! and its in Mongomery whitch is like a million miles away. (i still drive there like 5 times a week) and P and G products make me sick. The sports suck and the river is about to catch on fire. So there!!!!!! how do like cincy NOW!!!! ;0)


Active Member
man this s@#t is just too funny, with the ohio fairy wrasses and cornholing and all, hey look, i just made the switch from a french angel to a broomtail wrasse! is that some sort of fairy wrasse or something? great im a friggin fairy wrasse. thats just fantastic. well at least we got mountains in colorado.


Active Member
ok, I think I figured out (???) this new rating---
1-50 peppermint shrimp
50-150 mandarin
150-250? chevron tang
250?-500 Sohol tang (last post I seen was 490)
500- 750? Titan trigger (last post I seen was at 748)
then there were some Bottom tail wrasses and emperor angles
I was one thing last last night and something else when I logged in tonite :D OH and have had a six pack, so I may be way off track here, if so ignore this post lol


Active Member
I cant resist---did anyone else think of beavis and butthead when cornhole was said

corn hole e o!!! (sp--say it as it is typed---LOL) :D


Active Member
since we all know that rank means nothign, i will note that the point has been gotten, it is merely a way to show activity. I can say to those who have mentioned that i have to go to ??? posts to become a........
well, I have gone for over 1000 and even 1500 without seeing a rank change. and it still means squat, i kept posting and helping just the same. It means nothing to those who need help and means even less to those who want to help. And this one is getting carried away with what looks like an attempt(by some) to get promoted, so I believe it is time to close her up. Sorry guys.