Psycho Purple Tang


Added him 5 days ago and all was well until this afternoon. He swims in circles around a powerhead on the side glass. He is not hitting the glass or ph, just swimming in circles. Anyone ever see this? He did eat at feeding time and the other tank inhabitants are just watching him


I'd check the water parameters. Tangs are more sensitive than other fish.


Active Member
When I see that, it usually tends to be because someone put their new fish in the tank and then went messing around in the tank afterwards (or was too close to it). Didn't leave their tank alone for 48-72 hours. I have no idea in your case though.


Just a guess...
but was he in a tiny display tank when you bought him? like a typical 10 gallon? Was he possibly kept with more agressive fish?
When I first bought my tang he went from a 10 gallon to a 80 gallon. It was obvious for the first few days that he was confused by the fact that the tank was larger than 10 gallons.
He may have been confined to the corner of a 10 gallon LFS tank with other agressive inhabitants or something.
Give him a week and see if he starts to slowly expand his territory.