I have a 180 gallon salt water tank and for the last four years it has been home to my beautiful girl, Cassy. She is a Pterois volitans, African Lion Fish. My husband gave her to me and she was then 3 inches now she is around 10 inches. I would like to know a couple of things if you can help me. First she is looking a bit peaked, she looks like her face and gill areas are peeling, I am getting quite concered. She has slowed down in the last month or so I took this to the fact that she was getting rather big and that maybe she was needing some vitamins. I have held out on this cause I am worried about giving her anything till I figure out if this is natural. Alos does anyone out there know how long these fish are suppose to live and about there full growth length and width. she is rather large. Larger than most books say she should be. Thank You so much for your time and hopfully your help.. Please email me and feel free to post also. Killmerfl@aol.com