Puffer and 29g


Active Member
Well, today is Christmas and I got my tank. I asked for a 20g but ended up with a 29g because the "expert" at ***** told my parents that a pair of clownfish need at least a 29g. :rolleyes:
Anyway, my mother also decided that she wants to "help pick out fish" for my tank (I'm not necessarily happy with that, but we'll see how things go). Apparently, she saw a Hawaiian puffer of some sort at ***** and was told it would do fine in the 29g. Of course, she really wants to have a puffer in the tank now. I never intended on having one because I was under the impression that most (or all) puffers need a bigger tank than a 29g. Was I correct in my assumption? Or are there any puffers that can live happily in a 29g? I want to find out just for my own knowledge--I still don't really want one. Thanks in advance, and Merry Christmas!


Active Member
I'm not familiar with the Hawaiian puffer, but many of the smaller Toby puffers don't get very large, and will do fine in a 29. I also have a 29 gallon, and I've had a long-nosed spotted puffer for a while that's doing great. There is also a saddle valentini puffer that would do fine in a 29. IMO


The hawaiian puffer which is also known as the spotted puffer will only reach a size of 4 inches. They stay small and would do fine in the 29gal. Just some advice though buying equipment at ***** is fine. Buying fish at ***** is a waste of money, and if you are new to saltwater it will be a headache and youll be wanting to get out of it. There fish arent very good quality. Support a LFS.


Yes i work at a petsmart, ( in which we dont sell salt water fish, only supplies) and i went to a ***** to talk to a employee and get their opinon and the guy informed me that he doesnt even buy fish from there he told me i should order all of my fish online, plus all of *****'s prices at normally higher than petsmart


Active Member
I've noticed the pricing thing, too. That's why I ordered half of my aquarium supplies from Petsmart =). I don't plan on buying fish from *****. They don't have Ocellaris Clownfish anyway. I think *****'s good for buying some things, but I don't think their staff is the greatest (the ones in town, that is) and I don't see myself ever purchasing fish there.
Oh, and my LFS has an almost nonexistent fish section. I think I saw a couple mollies and that was it.


Active Member
If she wants a puffer buy her a 10 gallon and get her 2 or 3 fresh water puffers there really pretty and only $10 a piece here.


Active Member
I doubt she'd want to do that, but you never know. Thanks for the suggestion!


Active Member
I had two they get about 5 inches full grown or you can buy the dwarfs and they only get about half to 1 inch in length. They "LOVE" frozen baby brine shrimp and they favor it over flake any day. And they dont come with all the water hasle and stuff that saltwater has.


Active Member
If you want an easy way to get out of having to put a puffer in your tank, tell your mom they are aggressive and will eat all the shrimp, crabs, and corals. :D


Active Member
Would it really eat shrimp and crabs? If so, then wow, that's a pretty good reason, I think. :D


in reply to puffer in a 29.. i have a 30 gallon hex with a porcupine puffer with my other fish.. he does quite well.. had him about 5 months and he is a very social fish.. with me at least.. follows you around when you look in the tank.. will spit water at you if you open top and dont feed him.. so as for the puffer in a 29 i would say yes just make shure to get a small one.. other wise it will try to eat your other fish..


porcupine puffers get very large they definatly wouldnt work in a 29gal. Only the Toby puffers would that grow about 4".


New Member
I have a porky puffer and had to put him in his own tank. He eats and attacks every thing! I thought the introduction of a lion fish would teach him a lesson. NO. He ate the lion fish poison spines and all, and this guy is only 4" long!:mad:


hmm mine just be a nice puffer.. i have small fish green chromis domino. he does not pick on them at all. i figured he would eat them.. he is about 3-4 inches long.. so i guess it all depends on his temperment.. and as for the fresh water puffer dont do it.. they are brakish water.. never had any luck with them..


Active Member

Originally posted by lefty
Would it really eat shrimp and crabs? If so, then wow, that's a pretty good reason, I think. :D

Yup :yes: