Puffer and Lion Fish


Active Member
Okay guys I need some advise. I was in LFS yesterday. Basically their salt tanks looked like CRAP. Worse than they normally look. They had this pitful looking puffer and this poor lion fish. So I talked to the manager and he gave them to me. He figured they would have a chance. So they are now in my QT with a bannana wrasse, (story I was in a different LFS on sunday and this lady came in she had purchased a banna wrasse the week before and they told her it was reef safe. YA RIGHT, but they would not take it back, so she was going to just give it to the and she gave it to me insted, they are all in my QT right now. I need to move the banna soon, I am doing a 5 gallon water change each day. I know the puffer is a messy eater and I dont want to take the chace with the water quality.
I have them all eating Krill currently. The poor lion has no fins left just nubs that are a little over 1" long.
The banna and the puffer should be ready for the main tank in a couple of week. is there anything else I should do for these guys. I am using selcon and garlic on their krill each day. They all get two.
THanks for reading my book.


What kind of Puffer? I would suggest getting it off Krill when it gets healthy. Puffers are prone to a form of lockjaw and overgrown teeth. (I know from experience). They need various types of sea foods like squid, clams, fresh shrimp... I get the seafood mix frozen from WallyWorld, cut in small pieces, soak in selcon and garlic. My Porc also eats forzen peas.:D


Active Member
I recommend the foods that sheracr123 mentioned, as well as some nori. My porcupine has always loved the stuff. I would also caution you about the banana wrasse. They can be very aggresive.