Puffer Behavior ?


Tell me what typical puffer bahavior should be. My striped dogface is sometimes very lethargic. At times he will be swimming all over the tank but more often than not he will rest on the sand or some rock.His breathing seems OK but may be on the heavy side . He eats great will race up for food and seems fine that way. I havent seen a good online resource for Puffers so if you have something to share that would be great as well. Thanks in advance for your help. Peter


Active Member
is it a stars and striped puffer?? they are lazy buggers.mine likes to sit in the corner and watch us all day untill we get close to the tank then he goes crazy thrashy about splashing water all over its quite comical accually.kinda like a puppy waiting for a treat.do you ever notice a bluish tint to his eyes? or kinda cloudyness those are the first signs hes not feeling well.what do you feed him and how much in a feeding are you using suppliments (garlic)they have a high tolerance if they are fed properly if not they tend to get lathargic and mopey.how big is he now?and how long have you had him. hers a pic of my puffy hes about 12 inches now


No need to worry. I think it is just one of their typical behaviors. I have had different species of puffers, including dogface, S&S, striped, porky, immaculate, and map in the past. (ohh...not to mention many tobies) What they usually do is once they're fully satiated, they just sit in the corner, betweem the rocks...etc. If they get hungry again they would swim around like crazy, asking for food, which is hardly resistable. :) As long as he eats well and shows no signs of diseases, yours should be fine.


Active Member
The puffer you are referring to sounds like a narrowline. I have seen them called a striped dogface quite often.
That behavior sounds normal. I would not worry about it as long as he does get excited to eat, and does not show stress.


Thanks everyone for the great answers. I feel a lot better now. My guy is with me just a few days now and his body is about 4 inches without tail.Hes great when out and about and Im very interested in them now. Are there any good websites that you can recommend that cover them in more detail ? Peter