Puffer can't eat??


I have a S&S puffer taht recently devloped a problem eating. It's not his teeth, he is only around 6 mths old. He seems to have trouble sucking the food into his mouth?? He even misses when he goes to grab it?? Any ideas?? He seems totally healthy, no signs of anything else?? HELP!!


What are you feeding him? You might need to chop up his food a bit smaller. That'll help him take/eat up much easier...


Active Member

Originally posted by jcs69
I have a S&S puffer taht recently devloped a problem eating. It's not his teeth, he is only around 6 mths old. He seems to have trouble sucking the food into his mouth?? He even misses when he goes to grab it?? Any ideas?? He seems totally healthy, no signs of anything else?? HELP!!

possible mouth fungus or lockjaw?


Active Member
sorry took so long to respond back but i had to do some reading of my own to double check my own thoughts here(i do this often).from the reading i have done(for this topic today)all points to lockjaw this seems to be a very common problem with puffers, not a nice thing either sorry to add. the cause of lock jaw has been reported as lack of nutritonal value in his diet( not bacterial)you may have to force feed him i found a few different articals on how to do this .this is hard part for me because we are not allowed to post web adresses for other sites.all my reading on your discription leads to lock jaw.for now try vit suppliments to keep his system up.you can email me if you like i can send you more detailed information on what i have found at doggiestlist@yahoo.com