I got up this morning and found my porc puffer laying on the bottom as normal in his hiding spot but when I came to the front of the tank he didn't come out to greet me. Not totally unusual, then my daughter came up to the tank and Spike always wants to see her but he didn't move. I reached into the tank and he was gone.
I've had him in my 150G tank for over a year now. He was about 2in when I got him and was about 6in when he died. He didn't appear to have any marks on him. I checked my water parameters and they were Nitrite-0 Nitrate-0 Amonia-0 PH-8.2 Salinity-1.023. He appeared to be acting normal last night and ate just fine. I'm at a loss as to why he died. He was my first saltwater fish and my favorite. His personality was great. Does anyone have any ides what might have happened? I'm also taking a sample of my water to the LFS this morning to have them check it.