Puffer died!

grouper 42

Stars and Stripes. Had him for 9 months. One of my original fish. Never a problem. FOLRCC tank. 128gal with chiller and skimmer. No other addition or subtraction recently. No other fish ever bothered him. Found him floating face down and nearly black in color. Periodically blew himself up to ungodly proportions before I took pity on him and put him out of his misery. I had put some maricin in the tank the day before for a malady of my Lion (looks like his upper lip was disintegrating). Thinking I had killed off my biological filter and caused an ammonia spike I tested the water and the ammonia was zero. Other fish (sailfin tang, tuskfish, cherry grouper, Lion, rabbitfish) seem unaffected.

fishin family

New Member
Sorry to hear that grouper :confused: We are so attached to the fish we got when we started, we would be very sad to see one die.
Best of luck to you


Active Member
Dogface Puffers being smooth skinned fish sometimes do not take certain meds very well. I do not use Marcyn anymore due to the fact that I always seemed to lose fish I used it on. Whether this was cause I can't say for sure but the turning black (or color changes in Puffs ) is usually a stress related occurance. The other thought was the doseage used (possibly a bit to much?). Keep a eye on others and if you see any other problems I would get the marcyn out asap.