puffer, eels, and cleanup crews?


New Member
what if any cleanup crews , should I use with an eel, and a porcupine puffer,? 55 fish only, LFS no help, conflicting answers


Active Member
A Porc. should never be housed in a 55 and there's not too many species of eels that can be either.


New Member
now that that was settled how about answering the question??? Can I put some crabs, snails, in the tank, or am i just gonna be feeding the puffer, and snowflake eel? :mad:


Active Member
can't go wrong w/ some blue hermits... my puffers were never able to eat them (hawians n tobies...)


Active Member
Good to know that you already realize what you're doing is wrong... :notsure:
Porcs will eat hermits, snails, shrimp, crabs and anything else you put in the tank.
Snowflakes will eat crabs and shrimp.


Active Member
Basically you need to make up for not having a clean up crew, buy have a Super skimmer, something rated for 3-4x the size of your tank. A good amount of water flow to keep detrius suspended. Also a fuge would be recommended.