Puffer fish question?


I saw puffer fish that I really like the little fish has bright blue eyes. I was thinking about getting him, but I don't know if he'd be ok with my other fish, I have 6 damsels, 2 hermit crabs, 1 tank and 2 clown fish and 1 snail. I have a 55 gallon tank.
If anyone has any experience with a puffer please advice.
This is a picture of him.


Yeah, your crabs could be in danger. However, I have a medium sized dogfaced puffer and he leave my 2 small hermits alone. The hermits know to hide during the day and come out when Buu (my puffer) is sleeping.


I was going to buy him and the owner at my LFS said that I could have problems with my hermit crabs, so I decided against him. I really like my little crabs.


puffers are in my opinion one of the best fishes in the trade as pets, they've got the greatest personalities. if that puffer you saw is still a juvenile, i doubt you'll have any problems with him eating other tank mates. many puffers are actually too docile for their own good in my opinion. while they have the capabilities to chump up anyone in their way, often they are easily intimidated and stressed by other tank mates, even if non aggressive. mine cringes and do flips if the false perc swims to close to him sometimes, even though the clown never intends to bother him. its rare that they go after other fishes...they prefer sessile things and if they have a taste for fish its usually frozen or dead ones. in the natural environment they prey on sessile, slow moving crustaceans and other hard shelled inverts, not fishes. there was one time at night when my tank was already dimmed and the inhabitants already asleep. i had stuck my hand in to pick up a seaweed clip that was near my sound asleep clown, when my puffer woke up to swim near my hand as he always does expecting food, he took a small chunk out of the dorsal fin of the motionless clown near my hand thinking i was feeding him a dead fish. when the clown was rudely awakened and flinched the puffer scurried to the other end of the tank as fast as i'd ever seen it swim...that said i've never seen a puffer chase after a live fish, so i think your fishes are safer from being eaten than the puffer from being stressed by them. your hermits are another story. however there are precautions you can take even if the puffer is already big. before finally introducing him to the tank put your hermits near their hiding spot. like irenicus and small fish said they are smart enough to recognize a predator and when to best come out. they would likely do their roaming and feeding at night when puff is sleeping. i had my big red hermit for a long time and my puffer has even gave up bother it. he knows that when he gets too close the hermit is far in its shell already, and as stubborn as he is he has gave up on the hermit. i think you might be safe...but its good to be precautious anyways.


yeah if you got a porky puffer you would want a big tank and most if not all your Livestock would become lunch for him. they have a large appetite and what I have read about them will eat themselfs to death if the ood is there to be eaten.
here is a pic of mine he likes to swim very fast along the top of the water enough to make a wake behind him. anything that hits the water is fair game for him and the tanks mates including fingers. and there bite HURTS.. I think they are a great fish with a lot of personality but if you dont have the right tank and tankmates it wont be a good experience with them.
BTW the above said you never seen a puffer go after a live fish all three of mine tear after a live fish like they hadnt eaten in a week. I have a stars and strips, porky, and a dogface all make a quick meal of anything that hits the water I cannt even add the same size of fish to the tank or its dinner for all three in a matter of seconds.
the porky downed about 10 medium sized damsels one right after another and he was an the smaller size then. (long story)


michaeltx, sounds like you got 3 terrorizers in the tank...you got all three puffers in the same tank? also...they don't go after the fins of your tang and other tankmates?... being that they're so aggressive.:eek:
well i have to say the puffers i know must be pretty wimpy compare to yours...a dogface, a valentini, and a golden puffer i know from friends' and cousin's tank apparently never go after fish tankmates, even those much smaller than themselves. the valentini is the smallest at about 3 in, the dogface at over 5in, and the golden easily over 7, 8 in...(i wish i have one...she's a beauty) according to the owners they never even touched smaller tank mates. my own stars and stripe is alittle over 3 in and has a 2.5 " ocellaris, a 2.5" hawk, and a 3" bi-color angel as tankmates for over 4 months now. puff is the biggest and often most aggressive eater (him and the clown are a tie usually) but also the most easily intimidated fish in there...docile as anything could be to the tank mates, but not my hand - he does the same thing your porky does during feeding time, zaps right to my hand and make waves behind. tries to jump out the water to get my hand every now and then too.
well i don't know much about porkys so i shouldn't have generalized base on my limited experience, but i doubt my puffer would change his demeanor over night and make a meal out of everyone...i'm not even concerned about my hermit...


some are bettter than others LOL
I have had all three of these since the were small about 1 inch or so and have grown to 4 or 5 inches about. the tang is a holy terror he was in my reef for a long time untill he would up to another fish and thrash them with his tale lost a lot of fish because of him so I put him into the aggressive tank and he is as happy as can be. the trigger and him run the tank together.
a freind of mine here has a stars and stripes with clowns lion and korean angle with no problems. then again I might have some mentally disturb fishes LOL


Thanks for everyone's info. I do like the puffer, but I would be heartbroken if he ate my fish.
I do have a Tang, he is a baby and he's doing well.


i agree with marco333. puffers pretty big. in addition to it eating your crabs(or not). if you have any corals or sponges, the puffer will probably pick at it. puffer + 55 gallon tank= not suggested. there are plenty of other fish in teh sea:D