Puffer Fish Tanks



Hello every body. We have been so dissappointed at the fact that we can't have a Dog Faced Puffer in our 75g tank due to it's agressiveness towards other fish. We've been wondering about keeping a Miniature Puffer in our old 10 gallon tank, and are also wondering on the 'size' portion of the fish listing if that's as big as they are currently or as big as they'll grow. Would you think it would be okay to keep a Dog Face in a 10 gallon tank (if 3 inches is as big as they grow)? Thank you for your time.


No way in a 10 gallon tank. I wouldn't even suggest putting a smaller size puffer in that small of a tank-maybe a clown fish, damsels, jawfish or a goby.


Most toby puffers can be kept in a 30 gallon tank -- but that is the bare minimum. Any other puffers are going to require a system significantly larger than even a 75 gallon.


Active Member
You might try a figure 8 they are brackish and can be converted to salt water. They would do ok in a 10 gallon, but I'd do a 20 personally.


sorry I had to change your font color a bit darker it was really hard to read.
I second the brackish puffers they will do better in a 20 but grow fairly slow so they would do nicely in a 10 for sometime. I have 2 in a 10 gallon tank and have had them there for a few months now.


If you really want a puffer, you could get a Valentini Puffer (see my avatar for cuteness rating!) and put it in (no less than) 30 gallons.
I <3 my Puffer!