Puffer Fish with tumor or something.Please help identify what it is.


Hi, does anyone know what the heck this is on my puffers head. It just popped out of now where about a week ago. Has anyone ever had this happen to one of there fish? Any input will be helpfull. Thanks


Staff member
I can see it. WOW. I'm afraid you are right. Likely a tumor, growth, that you have no control over.
I'm assuming there is no open wound? It does not seem so from the picture. Was he injuried in any way? Rock fall?


There is no open wound as far as i can see. I've had no rock or any fake corals fall either. Do you think he could have hit his head while he was swimming or something. Have you ever seen this before.


Originally Posted by 805puffer
There is no open wound as far as i can see. I've had no rock or any fake corals fall either. Do you think he could have hit his head while he was swimming or something. Have you ever seen this before.
That is a large lump!!! There is no external damage? It seems to be swelling from inside?


New Member
My sister's puffer has the exact same lump and it is growing very rapidly. What ever happened to your puffer? We are getting really concerned and have no idea what the lump is.


My puffer did that also but we found that he knocked the cover off the filter and then his lazy ass sat there and let it suck off him for a while and gave him kinda a hickey lump eventualy went down but there was a ring on him till the day he went to the big blue tank in the sky...


New Member
That is crazy about the power head! This keeps getting bigger and is starting to affect his eye. Any other ideas? All I can come up with is that it is a tumor.