puffer fish?


This is kinda of an odd question but since puffer fish have spikes wouldnt they poke a hole in the normal bag the LFS puts the fish you buy in?
Kinda of a weird question but its out of cureiousity


i work at a lfs and they are packed in the bag but inside is cardboard to protect the bag which is usually double or triple bagged


I have never had that problem most will not puff up unless they are scared from a preditor so most will not puff in the bag,


Active Member
any time I purchased venomous fish ,puffers or agressive eels ect they were always sent home in buckets or bag lined foam boxes


Active Member
Many, many fish have fins or spines capabable of piercing a plastic bag; but I've never had it happen. Another reason to insist on double bagging.


I've unpacked porcupines that had punched through triplebags from getting angry from shipping trauma and let me tell you those spikes can go through plenty more bags than that as well as your hand if you aren't careful!!!


Active Member
Very interesting.
The only thing I've seen puncture a bag was a larger, very upset Naso tang. Both tail bones right through both bags.


New Member
I love my puffer! His name is Mack, cuz he looks like a mack truck. haha anyhow, he never puffed up when i brought him home. he's about 6 in. the store just sent him home with me in double bags.


Active Member
Originally Posted by srfisher17
Many, many fish have fins or spines capabable of piercing a plastic bag; but I've never had it happen. Another reason to insist on double bagging.
Tangs, triggers, could puncture the bag too. When I've purchased those fish they put him in double bags then in the cooler they recieve fish in, just in case.