puffer fish


New Member
Hi I came home last nite to find that my dog face puffer was stuck to my powerhead :( he was blowed up so I turned the powerhead:flamed: off and he swam away. The skin on the top of his body came off and I don't know what to do :( is he going to be ok and will his skin grow back?? I'm really worried about him please help!:cry:


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the site, I posted a link to this thread in the fish disease and treatment section...I hope somebody in the know will be able to help you soon.


Staff member
How was the puffer doing before this event? How big is your puffer?
Normally fish do not get sucked into pump intakes unless they are already sick to begin with. Does your pump intake have a protective screen?
Its really a matter of wait and see if he will be ok. Is he eating yet after the event?


New Member
He was doin fine before this happened.... He's only maybe 3 inches long and he's not eating anything yet but this just happened last nite... Do u know how long it will take before he eats again.. All he's doin now is Layin around so I'm sure he's in pain. Is there Anything I can put in the water to help him heal?


Well-Known Member
Beth, what about Stress Coat? I used it on my surviving fish when it was electrocuted by the heater breaking.

mr llimpid

Ya Flower, that will work anything that promotes slime coat will help heal the wound faster. Need to make sure to look for secondary infection, if that happens you need to move puffer to QT tank for treatment. Do you have a QT set up? Keep water quality high very important during recovery. Keep trying to feed, use his favorite food, make sure get rid of extra food lying around in tank, this will cause poor water quality. Good Luck.


Staff member
Yes, I would use the stresscoat as directed. You should be able to find this at your local store. Also, give it a day before worrying about not eating. By tomorrow, if he hasn't started to eat, try to offer something directly using a bird feeding syringe. What are you feeding this fish?
Can you post a picture?
Here is an example of what to look for, however, other manufactures offer similiar products. You want to try and get one that is used for marine aquaria.


New Member
I'm so sad I came home today after purchasing some stress coat and some melafix (the guy at the pet store suggested it) and puffy was barely breathing :( I lost him bout 10 mins ago :(


Staff member
Sorry to hear this. Be sure to get some pump screens for the intakes of you powerheads. Most powerheads come with these.