Puffer has a white film on eye.


I have searched a bit, but cannot find the answer on here.
My father in law has had a puffer for about 6 months now. Was doing great, was being fed krill mostly.
He ran out of krill, and was feeding mysis for a time. No problem there, the puffer would just INHALE the mysis. He just started back on feeding him krill this week.
Of late though, the puffer has got a heavy white film on his eye, with a little creap onto the top of his head. Mostly on his eye though. He is still swiming around, eating, etc. but would like to heal him. I hate to see a sick fish.
I am assuming that it is not a diet thing, and all other fish are fine with no other sickness in the tank.


Staff member
This is a bacteria infection. What are the water readings in your father's tank and what type of tank is it?
Also, that diet is inadequate for a pufferfish. Please ask for dietary suggestions from hobbyists in the Aggression Forum who have kept puffers long term.
Aggressive Forum


I will talk to him, and find out the H2O parameters.
He is running a ~100 gal. cube aggressive tank.
I will check the other forum as to diet.
What can he do to get rid of the bacterial infection?
Thanks for all your help Beth!


Staff member
He would need to be quarantined and treated with antibiotics, but unless you have a cycled QT, I'm not able to really recommend that.