Puffer in a Community tank?


Active Member
I was looking at the desciptions at the puffers and it says that the Hawaiian Spotted Puffer can go in a comminity tank. Any1 no if this is true from experience or just know? If so wat size tank who be minimum?


Active Member
i had one in my 55, he was very friendly with my butterflys and other tank mates
there cool to watch and stuff, if u have the tank and the room then get him


Hawaiin's are pretty mellow in my experience, shy at times. On the upside, they don't get as large as other puffers as well.


Active Member
think im getting a 45 soon
Possible Fish list
-pair of percs
-royal gamma
-flame angel
Would it go with these?
and is there enought room?


Active Member
Originally Posted by bjoe23
I was looking at the desciptions at the puffers and it says that the Hawaiian Spotted Puffer can go in a comminity tank. Any1 no if this is true from experience or just know? If so wat size tank who be minimum?
I have one and he is a great fish. He is in with a scopas, coral beauty, panther g, and huma huma. They are surprisingly fast for being fat!


Hawaiian Puffers are basically the same as Valentini Puffers. They are a community fish, however, they are not entirely reef safe, as they will eat your snails and hermits, and possibly some shrimp... although my Valentini doesn't mess with my Coral-Banded Shrimp.
I think you'll find that the Puffer becomes your favorite fish. They're so awesome!


Active Member
My son has a hawaiian blue spot in his 29 with 2 damsel's and 2 green chromis and several hermits and snails, all is good no agression at all.


I have a hawaiian in a 29 gallon. Great fish. No inverts in there, but honestly I can't imagine he would be able to eat a snail or hermit... his mouth is so small! Maybe he could pick a shrimp to death...


Active Member
Originally Posted by itom37
I have a hawaiian in a 29 gallon. Great fish. No inverts in there, but honestly I can't imagine he would be able to eat a snail or hermit... his mouth is so small! Maybe he could pick a shrimp to death...
Have you looked at there teeth? You bet your butt they can and will eat hermits.


Active Member
Those small puffers are less likely to eat snails and such, especially if they are bigger. But they will probably try.


Active Member
I just picked up a sebae clown yesterday. I have 3 blue legged snails and a cleaner shrimp. Could i get one with those inverts and fish?


Active Member
29 seems a bit small for your fish list especially for the angel and a puffer, i have a dwarf eibli angel/hawaiian blue puff/starry blenny/2 bkwt saddlebacks and a fairy wrasse in my 55g.
hawaiians are laid back, and coast around but they like to have some room, mine hangs out where there arent any fish, kind of a loaner


Originally Posted by Crashbandicoot
if you dont want inverts you can get one

how fast will one eat hermets?
I've got a dozen or so,
and they are cheep, as long as he's not eating them all quickly, I wouldn't mind them being there as food (at least the weak ones)


is this the one you guys are talking about?

it says "monitor" under reef safe
is that just for Crabs/snails?
or is it a danger to others?