Puffer in bad shape!!!


holy shiit owned. i wonder how the hell that happened. maybe he got bloat from eating then going in a bag but that wouldnt make sense. maybe he got car sick lol. i do hope he makes it


Originally Posted by sk8shorty01
He was not in a tank with any rock at all. The tank he was in was empty other than one piece of PVC. He looked great in the tank and was very playful and alert. The used a net to catch him (it was two kids working there this time instead of the owner) because they were scared of getting poked (haha). Even after the netting, he didnt get caught in it, and he didnt expand at all. He didnt really care about them catching him or anything. He was just swimming around, then I look at him again and half his stomach is completely gone. I put him in my hospital tank, and I made sure there was nothing that he could get caught on. The only thing in the tank was the filter, no powerheads. He did not make it last night, he died shortly before I went to bed, but I guess at least he wasnt suffering over a long period of time. Thank you guys for all of your help. I am going to bring him back to the LFS today to see if they are going to do anything about it. Not to mention that they double charged me for the little guy, although I didnt realize that until after I got home. Again thanks!
I am so terribly sorry that he died.


Active Member
If your not sure how it happened then in good faith you cant say the LFS did it while bagging him.
Most times with Puffers shops avoid nets since the spines just make a pain out of the ordeal.
That said. I would bet he will be dead in the morning. I have hope for the little dude and puffers are incredibly durable but thats pretty severe for any creature to heal on its own.
Picture just make it look like extra skin hanging down. But ill take your word that it is a wound and not just skin.
Good luck


What probably happened was he puffed up in the bag while you were in the bathroom and there wasn't enough water in the bag to fill his puff causing air to get into him, thus causing him to explode....poor guy.


Originally Posted by PrevWon
He is already dead. Check out post #18

What probably happened was he puffed up in the bag while you were in the bathroom and there wasn't enough water in the bag to fill his puff causing air to get into him, thus causing him to explode....poor guy.
Thanks for pointing out that the fish died. One of the most dangerous things in the world is speculation..


Active Member
Thanks everyone for your responses. He did end up dieing rather quickly (he lasted about an hour in the hospital tank). The skin hanging down in the picture is all skin (there is nothing attached to it) and the lowest point of the skin hanging used to be attached to what would be the "chin" of the fish. It is just like a blowout of a tire or something. Where you see the pink-ish underside of the fish on the frontal end of the fish (before the flap of skin) is all of his internal organs. You could see his stomach, intestines, and also the inner workings of the gills (I guess the lungs haha). It was rather strange to find him like that but it was a learning experience to say the least! The store did give me store credit for the fish as I never made it home. I didnt ask for it, I just went back and told him what happened (and also mentioned that they accidently double charged me on my card for him). He gave me a credit for him, which I got a green moon brain instead so it all worked out in the end. Thanks again for everything and keep up the great work on solving everyones problems guys!


Active Member
Originally Posted by sk8shorty01
Thanks everyone for your responses. He did end up dieing rather quickly (he lasted about an hour in the hospital tank). The skin hanging down in the picture is all skin (there is nothing attached to it) and the lowest point of the skin hanging used to be attached to what would be the "chin" of the fish. It is just like a blowout of a tire or something. Where you see the pink-ish underside of the fish on the frontal end of the fish (before the flap of skin) is all of his internal organs. You could see his stomach, intestines, and also the inner workings of the gills (I guess the lungs haha). It was rather strange to find him like that but it was a learning experience to say the least! The store did give me store credit for the fish as I never made it home. I didnt ask for it, I just went back and told him what happened (and also mentioned that they accidently double charged me on my card for him). He gave me a credit for him, which I got a green moon brain instead so it all worked out in the end. Thanks again for everything and keep up the great work on solving everyones problems guys!
I'm sorry for your fish, but it is prolly a good thing anyway, if you had corals already, your puffer would have thought he was at a buffet. And gone to town anyway.


Active Member
I know that there is the potential for a free dinner buffet, but I have also seen multiple cases of someone keeping these in a reef tank without problem. I think this is sort of like the angel fish family in that it is hit and miss. I was going to keep it in my quarantine tank and maybe take a frag off of my zoo's and see what happened. I had a deal with the fish store that, if he did pick at my corals, I could take him back and get a different one. Thanks again for the response...