Puffer in the reaf and coral?


New Member
I have always wanted a puffer, but i dont want it to eat my coral has any one had luck with a puffer and not eating coral or inverts? I am looking at a Porcupine Puffer, but im not commited if there is a better one to purchase for a reef. :notsure:


puffers will generally leave coral alone. what they will it is crabs shrimp snails and the like. if you have any of those you are attached to i wouldnt get the puffer for a reef tank. but as for corals you should be ok.


Active Member
The only thing i have had killed in my tank was a Lion... not sure if it was my dog faced puffer or my SFE. None of my corals have been touched.


Active Member
I have a porcupine in my tank with a frogspawn, xenia, hairy mushrooms, toadstool, gsp, zoas..he pays them no mind and has never made an attempt to bother any. Except when i added the xenia he just hovered infront of it all excited amazed by what it was doing. other then that. nothing


New Member
Thank you everyone for all your advice, looks like I will get a puffer for my next fish!