Puffer is Dying


I came in yesterday and my puffer is on his belly in the sand breathing heavy. He has some faded spots on his otherwise colorful back. I could not even get him motivated for shrimp. I have a feeling that last night will be the last time I see him alive.
My water checks have been excellent. Nothing new has been added to my tank. The other fish look fine.
Any ideas?


New Member
what kind of puffer, what kind of shrimp you feeding it? Is one or both eyes slightly cloudy?
I've had porcupines for many years. they get as moody as my wife sometimes but usually ok.
Also check to make sure nothing foreign has fallen into tank (got kids?)


I'll check his eyes. He's still alive, sitting on the bottom. I feed them frozen "marine supreme" and freeze dried mysis. He also eats flake like it's going out of style.


Active Member
ditch the freeze dried...its junk! Has little to no nutrients.
What are your water params?
Try a better variety of foods, i feed my puffers marine cuisine, cochle, mysis, krill, etc. all frozen foods!
edit: forgot to mention i also soak the foods in zoe for x-tra vitamins


He's a Hawaiian Blue puffer. He eats "marine cuisine" not "supreme. He readily eats flake. I also feed him IQF shrimp from the grocery when I feed the anemone.
His eyes are not cloudy. No Ich. He just looks faded in spots and sits on the bottom like he does when sleeping at night. Normally he buzzes around the tank all day like a hummingbird.
Should I do anything short term?


Update: The puffer took a few laps around the tank, buzzing around like usual. Marine Cuisine would not even tempt him to eat. He's back on the bottom now.


He's still hanging in there. He doesn't look good. He tries to swim, but he seems disoriented.
Any suggestions?


What other fish are in the tank? I have a porc puffer that was stung by my foxface a few weeks ago. He laid around the bottom and refused to eat for a few days but is OK now


Active Member
Originally Posted by leftyblite
Cgrant, what is zoe for the extra vitamins? :notsure:
It is a vitamin additive that you soak the food in, its made by kent.
I put it in everything...for the fish food that is!

My lfs carries it, i would think like a ***** or petsmart would also carry it?
Sounds like your puffer is doing better!


He's still alive. Still mostly laying on the LS or LR. His color looked a little better this morning but faded with the lights on. He still won't eat. From time to time he swims around the tank and then rests. He's not better, but not worse.
I guess the anemone could have bitten him. It stings the one clown and leaves litle marks on him, but does not hurt him.


Active Member
hmm...that too bad! :thinking:
my old porcy used to lay around alot but he ate like a pig, seemed like only time i could get his lazy butt up was when food was around but he was just a lazy ---!
I would double check your params if you have not already done so?
ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, ph, alk, ca.
good luck! I know i hated when i lost my angel just recently due to a low ph issue, i just ordered ph monitor...


The puffer has been up and swimming all day. He stil hasn't eaten anything (at least that I saw) but he is buzzing around the tank. His color is much better. His stomach looks a little deflated however.
Do you think he's making a comeback?


Active Member
If he's swimming around thats prob a good sign, When i 1st got my newest puffer he didnt eat for 4 weeks, a couple of days wont hurt him.
keep us posted!