Puffer Is Not Acting Normal Please Help


New Member
My puffer that I have had for over a year is not acting right. He is not eating his normal diet of krill. He used to eat up everything I gave him right away now nothing. He is also hanging out on the bottom of the tank a lot more then he used to. He is still swimming around quite a bit but just acting weird. He does tend to get excited when I put food in but does not eat. Should I try feeding him something else? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

small triggers

Active Member
how are his teeth?? does he have alot of stuff or rock to chew on, do you give him food other than krill? anything with shells to keep his teeth filed down?


Active Member
krill alone is not a good diet for him .if this is his main diet then he is most likely a subject of malnutrition all carnivores should be given a variety of meaty foods such as shrimp,, squid, scollaps, fish ,silverslides even.krill is ok as part of its diet just not the main item.. at this point id would suggest adding suppliment such as selcon to the water if he wont eat anything.if yopu can get him to eat something eles soak the food in selcon.. good luck with him


Active Member
Originally Posted by unleashed
krill alone is not a good diet for him .if this is his main diet then he is most likely a subject of malnutrition all carnivores should be given a variety of meaty foods such as shrimp,, squid, scollaps, fish ,silverslides even.krill is ok as part of its diet just not the main item.. at this point id would suggest adding suppliment such as selcon to the water if he wont eat anything.if yopu can get him to eat something eles soak the food in selcon.. good luck with him
2nd this ^....For whatever reason Puffers tend to accept krill before anything and then get hooked on it and pass on everything else. They need a good varied diet....Freeze dried Krill is known to cause lockjaw in Puffers if feed exclusively.


Active Member
Originally Posted by kjr_trig
2nd this ^....For whatever reason Puffers tend to accept krill before anything and then get hooked on it and pass on everything else. They need a good varied diet....Freeze dried Krill is known to cause lockjaw in Puffers if feed exclusively.
I've heard this about puffers & krill too. I think we have come on long way with fish nutrition; but still have a lot to learn. IMO, ALL fish need a varied diet & vitamins (Selcon, etc) to really thrive. This is especially true for larger fish that don't feed much on pellets or flakes. I'm not a big fan of these foods; but they do have a variety of ingredients and vitamins. A diet of nothing but these dried foods would stink too; but probably more nutritional than a single, freeze-dried food. Check the fresh seafood dept for some good food for larger fish: squid, shrimp, SW fish meat, scallops, etc.---then soak with vitamins. Your LFS should have a good variety of healthy frozen foods too. Most Puffers can be trained to eat about anything and they also need something to keep their teeth trimmed. Shrimp shells, etc. I use a piece of bird cuttlebone hidden in the rocks, they love chewing on it, so do triggers.


I like to feed my puffer raw shrimp with the shell on. I hang it on an algae clip in the tank and he and the other fish go through a whole piece in no time. It also helps keep his teeth filed down. I also give him squid, clams and a little krill once in a while. For some reason he doesn't want to touch silversides.


Active Member
Originally Posted by RCreations
I like to feed my puffer raw shrimp with the shell on. I hang it on an algae clip in the tank and he and the other fish go through a whole piece in no time. It also helps keep his teeth filed down. I also give him squid, clams and a little krill once in a while. For some reason he doesn't want to touch silversides.
Shrimp on a clip is an excellent idea; easy, no waste, I've got a tank eating one now.


New Member
Thanks for the input damn wish I would have known this before. I know fish need a variety but krill is all he would eat so I went with it. Maybe if i put a Shrimp in there it will help. Tried squid today but no luck.


Active Member
Originally Posted by PBR309
Thanks for the input damn wish I would have known this before. I know fish need a variety but krill is all he would eat so I went with it. Maybe if i put a Shrimp in there it will help. Tried squid today but no luck.

contact swf.com and ask them if they have any suggestions for you on this