Puffer Nano Diary


Thought that it would be a good idea to start a diary of this tank. It's a 36g bow front that was a FW tank until a week or so ago. Current occupants include a GSP (green spotted puffer), Chalk Bass, Stubby Clown. This is a FOWLR. It has 45lbs of live rock but only the stock All-Glass 15w florescent bulb. 2 Penguin 200 bio-wheels, and a Maxi-Jet 1200. Obviously no sump. Don't really have a set plan. Was going to do a predator tank but options were too limited due to size.



Originally Posted by nwdyr
wont that puffer out grow that tank real fast

This puffer only gets a MAX of 6" and thats over the course of about 15 years. Anyway are there any other fish that I could put in here? Oh and this puffer will NOT eat other fish.


New Member
nice acua scape but im pretty sure thats a green spotted puffer, you might want to check up on it because there actualy a brackish water fish


How long did you acclimate the puffer for? I believe they are brackish fish and should be acclimate very slowly.

matt b

Active Member
It was a FW tank a week or so ago? I know you did not cycle that fast. And those 3 fish are gonna max you out on bioload cause the puffer is sooo messy and only going to get worse so I would not add any other fish. And people asking how he acclimated him theres nothing he can do now so theres not really a point to make it a big deal.


Yes GSPs are BW fish. They start their lives in BW then they go to full marine.... He has been in full marine for four months so I guess I have acclimated him for the course of his life so far. Started out with a BW tank then, gradually over the course of many months, went to full marine. And again yes the tank is cycled, LS, LR AND 2 Bio-wheels from other tank and all water came from other tank. Geez guys I am going to quite posting. I am defiantly not going to post the Emperor Angel I put in there yesterday. kidding but honestly guys dont you guys thin I have any clue as how to properly care for my live animals?


I doubt you guys can see it in the first pic, but there is a LOT of hair algae on most of this rock. Green swaying in the current algae. Would it be best to black out the tank for a few days rather than add a Lawnmower Blennie? And for all of you who still think I am retarded you will be happy to know that all the water parameters are still in perfect range except for phosphates due to me using tap water. My puffer still is not dead after a year under my care AND my two HOB filters are still doing a great job despite my "messy" eater.
On a less sarcastic note though, I was in Wal-mart today and saw twelve GSP's and about the same number of figure 8's in their small death tank wasting away on the flake they were being fed and the internal parasites you get free with purchase. Now I honestly did think about rescuing a few and drip acclimating them but thought better of my current inhabitants well being. Poor things. For those of you that dont know those two puffer species are BW species that are kept by most all stores in FW.


Mine is almost 2 1/2" He is some where around a year old give or take. A wonderful Wal-mart rescue. These guys live for around 15 years and they are pretty hardy. You just have to give them the proper environment and as we all know, a lot of chain and LFS don't have the correct info to give on all their live stock.