puffer not doing well, need help!


Before I start, let me mention that I am going away for the weekend and entrusting this to my husband to take care of, so I am needing to do what I can this afternoon before I leave for this poor guy (at least set up a regimen for my husband to follow). Please help!
I brought a spotted toby home a couple weeks ago, and from the get-go, he wasn't accmilating too well. The first day, my picasso trigger picked on him (not really attacking, just chasing him a lot & poking at him). That only lasted 1 day, but he still hid in the rocks a lot unless it was feeding time. Didn't act sick, just didn't seem too comfortable in his surroundings yet.
The last couple days, he has been laying around on the sand or on the LR, not looking well at all. I would be just about to put him into QT, when he would start swimming around again.
This morning he really started to look like he wasn't going to make it if he stayed in the main tank, so I put him into QT. Here's my tank info:
Salinity: 1.023
temp: 81
PH 8.3-8.4
Ammonia/Trite: 0
Nitrate: ranges between 10-20, generally closer to 20.
Picasso Trigger
Koran Angel
Green Chromis
2 black & white Damsels
Spotted Toby
There are no spots on his body, or anything that is overly obvious that's wrong with him. He did have a mild case of ich shortly after getting picked on by the trigger, but it only lasted 2 days or so. The temp has been getting up to 85 during the day the last couple days, so that could have something to do with it (the A/C guy is here right now installing the unit thank GOD!). That's still only a 4 degree differential
Anyway, what should I do for him? I hesitate to medicate him when I don't know what's wrong. He isn't eating. He was swimming around a little when I put him into QT, which I'm hoping is a good sign.

the reef

you could lower your tempture in the tank so their is more oxygen to go around and make shure you have enough gph for your tank when i added an air pump to circulate more oxygen my puffer and my triggers swim alot more now


good idea. The tank temp is generally closer to 78-79, but since the external temps were getting kinda high & I don't have a chiller (and no A/C until today), I was trying to keep the temp fluctuation to a minimum. Hopefully that will do the trick. The QT he's in now is in a cooler room, and it's got a VERY strong powerhead in there (probably a little too much, but it's all I've got).
The rest of the fish in the tank seem to swim like normal when the temps rise, it's really just this guy. But, if he was having a hard time acclimating to the tank, he could be taking the brunt of it.

the reef

tell me the process of aclumation did you use total time for temp aclumation then ph aclumation the tank aclumation the low blue light aclumation


you mean when I first introduced him into the tank? I did it nice and slow - probably about an hour. I turned the lights off, temp acclimated for about 20 mins, then started to slowly add a little tank water to his bag. I'd then take a little water out of his bag to make room for more tank water. I did this probably 4 or 5 times over the course of 45 minutes after the temp acclimation.
I don't think it was really the acclimation process, but more that he wasn't comfortable in his surroundings (i.e. timid). This added a little stress to him,and probably the temp didn't help.


Staff member
This fish still has ich.....and the fish in the other tank likely do or soon will.


Originally Posted by nickyblase
Before I start, let me mention that I am going away for the weekend and entrusting this to my husband to take care of, so I am needing to do what I can this afternoon before I leave for this poor guy (at least set up a regimen for my husband to follow). Please help!
I brought a spotted toby home a couple weeks ago, and from the get-go, he wasn't accmilating too well. The first day, my picasso trigger picked on him (not really attacking, just chasing him a lot & poking at him). That only lasted 1 day, but he still hid in the rocks a lot unless it was feeding time. Didn't act sick, just didn't seem too comfortable in his surroundings yet.
The last couple days, he has been laying around on the sand or on the LR, not looking well at all. I would be just about to put him into QT, when he would start swimming around again.
This morning he really started to look like he wasn't going to make it if he stayed in the main tank, so I put him into QT. Here's my tank info:
Salinity: 1.023
temp: 81
PH 8.3-8.4
Ammonia/Trite: 0
Nitrate: ranges between 10-20, generally closer to 20.
Picasso Trigger
Koran Angel
Green Chromis
2 black & white Damsels
Spotted Toby
There are no spots on his body, or anything that is overly obvious that's wrong with him. He did have a mild case of ich shortly after getting picked on by the trigger, but it only lasted 2 days or so. The temp has been getting up to 85 during the day the last couple days, so that could have something to do with it (the A/C guy is here right now installing the unit thank GOD!). That's still only a 4 degree differential
Anyway, what should I do for him? I hesitate to medicate him when I don't know what's wrong. He isn't eating. He was swimming around a little when I put him into QT, which I'm hoping is a good sign.

your profile says you have a 20gallon. please tell me that it was a typo, I hope you mean it's a 200gallon .. koran angel in a 20gallon !!


Staff member
Originally Posted by exile415
your profile says you have a 20gallon. please tell me that it was a typo, I hope you mean it's a 200gallon .. koran angel in a 20gallon !!

ditto on that........


Originally Posted by Beth
ditto on that........
I don't get that .. Ditto ? :thinking:


Oooh ! haha I get it
I wanna see what he says, I still think it could be a typo. Koran in a 20G :notsure:


sorry, they are in a 65. My 20gallon is a small reef tank with a chromis and a sixline wrasse. Completely unrelated. Sorry about that.
None of the other fish show any signs of ich or stress. I pulled the toby out & put him into QT on Friday, and have ordered a UV sterilizer. If the fish in the main tank still don't show signs of ich by the time I get the UV set up, think their risk will be lower?


yes- I've got close to 1oolbs of lr and some inverts - a brittle star, some snails (the ones that the trigger hasn't eaten), some hermit crabs, and an urchin.


Active Member
Originally Posted by nickyblase
yes- I've got close to 1oolbs of lr and some inverts - a brittle star, some snails (the ones that the trigger hasn't eaten), some hermit crabs, and an urchin.
Ichs life cycle is 4 weeks no matter what...your fish has ich in one it's many stages..I'd treat it as if it were ICH, QT it and start hype...
Or actually...
QT your inverts and Hypo your display, and as much lr as you can fit in it...