Puffer Problems.....please help


I have a 125 gal. tank. It is a fish only tank. Up until Saturday, Jan.7, all I had in it were two damsels, two clowns and a bass. On Saturday I purchased more fish. I purchased a Nasseau Tang, a hogfish, a cleanup crew (crabs and snails) and a dogface puffer. With the exception of the puffer, they are all doing wonderfully. My water levels are testing just as they should. However, I can't get the puffer to eat. Several hours after I brought him home, I did feed them. I threw in a formula cube and some crill. The puffer ate the entire cube and a good portion of the shrimp. He has not eaten a bite since. Any ideas? What can I do? He is actually my favorite fish and it would break my heart to see him die. Like I said, all the other fish are doing really well and I have tested my water.
I don't know if it matters; however, the store that I purchased the dogface from also had a porcupine. I didn't buy him because they said they couldn't get him to eat. Is this something that is normal for puffers in general? What can I do? I appreciate any help anyone can give me.
Thank you.


Active Member
JMO...maybe the puffer was starving when you took him home and so then he ate, he is probably just shy now being the new guy to the tank


Active Member
no problem...I think this because damsels are little aggresive guys, I wouldn't worry about him he's just the new guy so he'll be hiding. If you don't see him for a week I would take apart some of the rock work. Fish can go for a 1.5-2 weeks without food


Active Member
They are known to sometimes go on hunger strikes. I'd not be too concerned just yet. Also, make sure you provide him some hard shelled food to keep his teeth filed down.
If he starts swimming or lying down with his tail tucked and changes color then this is a sign he is sick.


Active Member
my puffers have always been very hardy eaters in fact you can call them pigs.if he has eaten before and now refuses to eat its normally a sure sign that something is off balence .as simple as slightly lowered ph I keep mine at 8.3 and as soon as it drops to 8.1 he stops eating .could be due to idigestion also at times puffers top feed and end up sucking in air bubbles if you notice your puffer moving about with tail up for a long period of time it could mean a trapped air bubble and burping could be nessesary.if the trapped air is not removed it could result in stress lack of appetite and even death.the proccess is quite simple you must hold your fish underwater face up and if possible massage the belly area gently until the air is released.at times I will do this with my spiney boxfish puffer and he blows up like a ball but then when he deflates all the trapped air is removed and he seams to feel better.another reason for not eating could be stess induced by other tank mates they dont do well in harrassing enviroments if he feels he has to compete alot for the food they will also stop feeding.there are many reasons a fish stops eating and most are not due to just a so called hunger strike happy healthy fish eat.unhappy stressed or unhealthy fish dont.try dosing him with mela fix for a few days if your water quality is good.this will help reduce the stress and take care of any possible bacterial infections.yes it is safe to use in the main tank.normal treament is 7 days but can be used longer if nessesary..watch for cloudyness of the eyes or a film on the body.