Puffer Question


New Member
I was wondering if someone could tell me if two different species of puffer fish can share the same tank. Also, would they make a snack out of starfish, live rock organisms and/or anemones?


how big of a tank will they be in
P.S. it would most likely make a snack out of the starfish and I am not sure about the anenome.


puffer fish are not compatible together you need like a 500 gallon tank and they kill all corals and inverts and even if you wanted one puffer it needs a large tank like 150 gallons


Active Member
I have a 9" golden puffer and a 6" porcupine in my 210, they get along fine.
Its gonna be trial and error, my last porcy I got rid of cause he was an ---!
Mean and lazy as heck!


New Member
So it looks like one puffer is the best way to go and Starfish will cause a snack attack. I've been hearing from other sources that Anemones are OK. Does anyone have any info that would contradict that?
Also I'm still curious about Live rock. I saw someone mentioned Coral and I would never consider a puffer for a coral tank but would a puffer bother with the organisms on live rock?
Thanks for all the help so far!


you can have 2 puffers in the same tank, there is always a chance of fish not getting along, you take your chances. I have had a dogfaced and porc. together and they never faught.


Just about the anemone and starfish...I have a valentini puffer with an BTA and all is well. He did make a quick snack out of a starfish I bought though.


I have a stars and stripes puffer and a porcupine puffer, They immediatly ate my chocolate starfish, and then proceeded to eat everything off of my live rock, and they keep it very clean still, I have always had puffers and I have never had a problem with them fighting or not getting a long, and you don't need a 500 gallon tank to put more than one puffer together. Mine is 150 gallons and they get along fine, I use to have two puffers in a 65 gallon too, and that was fine.