puffer rash?


Hi guys, I have had this little blue spot puffer for a few weeks now and when I came back from my 1 week diving trip to panama I noticed this little rash of some sort behind the left eye. It almost looks like just a loss of color with a little cloudiness, if that makes any sense. the closest thing I can think of is HLLE but not quite pitting. He acts perfectly normal except for the occasional flashing lately. Sorry for the bad pics but he wont stay still very long. Let me know if you need more info.



looks like it might be velvet. I'll try to get some better pics now that it has spread.


Originally Posted by Beth
Could well be HLLE. How is water quality?
That was my thought as well. Is there any way of treating it? I read the sticky thread about diseases but it didnt say what to do about it.
I rescued a yellow tang from some fish neglector and it had a pretty bad case of HLLE (i think) and the whole top fin was missing. All I did was give it a proper diet and made sure my levels were good and it made a full recovery (except for the fin which is halfway grown back after 3 months)


OK I gave him a freshwater dip today and while he was in there, it looked like small white scabs or fungus started to lift off of the blotchy areas. Is that normal? what does it mean?